The Budget Workflow System (BWS) is a module of Peoplesoft Finance that allows users to electronically initiate and submit budget revision e-forms and also allows those with signature authority - budget to electronically approve these entries.

The BWS stores all electronic budget revisions.  This storage allows budget revisions to be accessed and viewed at any time, eliminating the need to print and store physical copies of the revisions.

Please note, the last day to enter permanent budget revisions into the Budget Revision System is January 17, 2025.


Initiator Access 

Initiator access is granted to users following the attendance of a training session (IT615) and the completion of an IS Access request for Finance - Budget Workflow System.

Once access is granted, Initiators will access the system through the Peoplesoft Finance system using their EID and password. 

Approver Access

Approver access is granted to users following the completion of an IS Access request for signature authority-budget over a department (or departments).

Once signature authority - budget is granted, Approvers will access the system through MyMadison, using their EID and password.

Initiator/Approver Access

Initiators who are also Approvers, can access the system in either location – Peoplesoft Finance or MyMadison. 


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