Enrollment (Fall 2023)
- Undergraduate students: 21,006
- Graduate students: 1,752
- In-state/out-of-state ratio: 78/22%
- International students: 1%
- Students of color: 23%
Admitted First-Year Students (2023-24)
- Applications: 39,776
- Applicants accepted: 27,449
- Applicants enrolled: 4,750
- SAT mid-50% range*:1210-1370
- ACT mid-50% range*: 26-31
* Test optional: 18% submitted scores
Admitted Transfers (2023-24)
- Applications: 2,481
- Applicants accepted: 1,355
- Applicants enrolled: 869
Tuition and Fees
Undergraduate (2024-25) - Per year
In-State | Out-of-State | |
Tuition and Fees | $14,242 | $31,588 |
Housing and Food | $12,916 | $12,916 |
TOTAL | $27,158 | $44,504 |
*Courses within the College of Business and School of Nursing have additional course fees.
More details: Undergraduate tuition and fees
Graduate (2024-25) - Per credit hour, most programs
In-state: $561
Out-of-state: $1,291

Retention rate

graduation rate

- Student/faculty ratio: 17:1
- Average class size: 25 students
- Classes with fewer than 50 students: 89%
- Classes taught by professors: 98%
Academic programs
- Total programs offered: 139
- Undergraduate: 76
- Master's: 53
- Education specialist: 2
- Doctoral: 8
- Full-time instructional faculty: 1,046
- Part-time instructional faculty: 359
- Full-time faculty with doctoral or terminal degree: 72%
JMU facts and figures are compiled annually at the end of each admissions cycle. Additional/updated facts are reported to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.