Contact: Jun Yin (540.568.3683)
The Shenandoah Valley Regional NMR Facility was established with grants from The National Science Foundation (9650132), The Merck Foundation and matching funds provided by James Madison University, Eastern Mennonite University and Bridgewater College.
Our NMR Facility is comprised of three NMR spectrometers , 300,400 and 600. Those instruments are all housed in the same lab, on the third floor of the chemistry building room 3186 and can be accessed by the participating regional colleges and universities.
We recently upgraded the software version of our Bruker NMR spectromemters, they are all running Topspin 3.2. Our 600 Ultra Shield NMR utilize AVII console, 300 and 400 are equipped with brandnew nanobay AVIII system.
This facility also services the Regional NMR Consortium and the local scientific community. The group is composed of chemists from Bridgewater College, Eastern Mennonite University, James Madison University, Mary Baldwin University and the University of Virginia.
Scheduling for NMR Users |