Economists are invaluable to businesses, governments and nonprofit organizations because of their ability to use reasoning and data analysis to study the full range of human activity and their expertise in understanding the material world.
As an economics major at JMU, you’ll gain a solid foundation of economic theory and policy that can lead to a wide variety of career options, including financial analysis and trading, consumer advocacy, economic analysis, communications and public administration. Our curriculum will develop your skills in critical thinking, research, writing and analysis. We emphasize a commitment to lifelong learning, which is critical in an ever-changing global economy.
ECON’s B.A. and B.S. classification as STEM programs have been approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

"I chose Econ because I wanted a major that set me up for the future when I graduate. I won’t have a problem finding a job and it’s also something that I really enjoy doing."
Abolfazl "Arash" Sodagartojgi, CoB Valedictorian ('19)
Commodity Derivatives Trading Analyst at Rabobank Wholesale Banking North America