Learning a foreign language does more than give you the ability to speak another language. Our program is designed to teach you how to speak and read one or more foreign languages, as well as help you understand the cultures and literatures of other countries. Cultural competency is one of the most requested qualities in the workforce and all of our classes address topics of diversity so that our students feel confident speaking and advocating for our different cultures on and off campus. See more reasons why our academic programs can help you prepare to be a global citizen improving your understanding of the world.
Professional Minors
Interdisciplinary Minors
How to declare a major or minor
If you have questions about a specific language or program, we invite you to speak with that language's contact person.
Arabic: Dr. Aram Shahin shahinax@jmu.edu
French: Dr. Dorothée Polanz, polanzdx@jmu.edu
German: Dr. Holly Yanacek yanaceha@jmu.edu
Italian: Dr. Giulia Cardillo cardilgx@jmu.edu
Spanish: Dr. Jennifer Lang-Rigal, langrijr@jmu.edu