Professor, Sedimentary Petrology; Research Associate, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Year Started at JMU: 2007
Contact Info
Research Description
I am a sedimentary petrologist with research interests developed around problems identified in the field that can be explored through the study of sedimentary rocks in thin section, and with other petrographic methods. I work with sedimentary successions of all ages, with most of my research in the US based on Lower Paleozoic strata of Ordovician and Silurian age, including decades of work on Ordovician K-bentonite beds.
- GEOL 110L: Physical Geology Lab
- GEOL 211: Oceanography
- GEOL 230L: Evolution of the Earth Lab
- GEOL 301: Earth Science for Teachers
- GEOL 302: Sedimentary Petrology
- GEOL 399: Field Geology in Ireland
- GEOL 401: Oceanography for Teachers
- ISAT 480 & IDLS 391: Sustainable Societies in Malta
- PhD in Geology, 1989, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- MS in Geology, 1985, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
- BS in Geology, 1981, Denison University, Granville, OH
Select Publications
- HAYNES, J.T., LESLIE, S.A., HERRMANN, A.D., and LONG, N.T., 2019, Outlier of Trenton Group limestones (Ordovician) and Clinch Sandstone (Silurian) and associated unconformities in the Tellico – Sevier syncline, Blount County, Tennessee identified on the basis of conodont biostratigraphy, in Avary, K.L., Hasson, K.O., and Diecchio, R.J., eds., The Appalachian Geology of John M. Dennison: Rocks, People, and a Few Good Restaurants along the Way: Geological Society of America Special Paper 545, p. 1–16, DOI: 10.1130/2019.2545(02)
- HAYNES, J.T., 1994, The Ordovician Deicke and Millbrig K-bentonite Beds of the Cincinnati Arch and the southern Valley and Ridge province: Geological Society of America Special Paper 290, 80 p; DOI: 10.1130/SPE290-p1
- DI CELMA, C., PITTS, A., JABLONSKÁ, D., and HAYNES, J.T., 2020, Backset lamination produced by supercritical backwash flows at the beachface-shoreface transition of a storm-dominated gravelly beach (middle Pleistocene, central Italy): Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 112, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.015