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Professor of Sociology and Sociology Program Coordinator
Year Started at JMU: 2009
Contact Info

Office: 214 Sheldon Hall
Google Scholar Page


BA (Women's Studies), UNC-Chapel Hill
MA (Sociology), UNC-Chapel Hill
PhD (Sociology), UNC-Chapel Hill

  • The Development of Sociological Thought and Method
  • Microsociology
  • The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
  • The Sociology of Gender
  • The Sociology of Interpersonal Violence
  • Contemporary American Culture

Race/Class/Gender Inequality, Symbolic Interaction, Social Psychology, Qualitative Methodology, Critical Media Studies, Social Theory, Feminist Theory, Public Sociology


2024. Bridges, Ana. J., Malachi Willis, Matthew B. Ezzell, Chyng-Femg Sun, Jennifer A. Johnson, & Paul J. Wright. “Pornography Use and Sexual Objectification of Others.” Violence Against Women. DOI:

2020. Ezzell, Matthew B., Jennifer A. Johnson, Ana J. Bridges, and Chyng F. Sun. "I (Dis)Like it Like That: Gender, Pornogrpahy, and Liking Sex." Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. DOI:

2019. Wright, Paul J., Chyng Sun, Ana Bridges, Jennifer A. Johnson, and Matthew B. Ezzell. “Condom Use, Pornography Consumption, and Perceptions of Pornography as Sexual Information in a Sample of Adult U.S Males.” Journal of Health Communication. DOI:

2019. Johnson, Jennifer A., Matthew B. Ezzell, Ana J. Bridges, Chyng F. Sun. "Pornography and Heterosexual Women's Experiences with a Partner." Journal of Women's Health. Published online:

2018. Gengler, Amanda M., and Matthew B. Ezzell. “Methodological Impression Management in Ethnographic Research.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 47(6): 807-833. DOI: 10.1177/0891241617744861

2018. Wright,Paul J., Ana J. Bridges, Chyng Sun, Matthew B. Ezzell, & Jennifer A. Johnson. "Personal Pornography Viewing and Sexual Satisfaction: A Quadratic Analysis." Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy44:3, 308-315, DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2017.1377131

2017. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Current Controversies: Pornography and Violence Against Women,” in Claire Renzetti, Jeffrey Edleson, and Raquel K. Bergen (eds) Sourcebook on Violence Against Women (3rd Edition, pps. 219-225). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2016. Bridges, Ana J., Chyng Sun, Matthew B. Ezzell, and Jennifer Johnson. "Sexual Scripts and the Sexual Behavior of Men and Women who Use Pornography." Sexualization, Media, & Society.

2016. Sun, Chyng, Matthew B. Ezzell, and Olivia Kendall. "Naked Aggression: The Meaning and Practice of EOWF." Violence Against Women.

2015. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Healthy for whom? – Males, men, and masculinity: A reflection on the doing (and study) of dominance,” in CJ Pascoe and Tristan Bridges (eds) Exploring masculinities: Identity, inequality, continuity and change (pps. 188-197). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

2014. Sun, Chyng, Ana Bridges, Jennifer A. Johnson, and Matthew B. Ezzell. "Pornography and the male sexual script: An analysis of consumption and sexual relations.Archives of Sexual Behavior.

2014. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Pornography makes the man: The impact of pornography as a component of gender and sexual socialization.” In Jacob Held and Lindsay Coleman (eds), The philosophy of pornography: Contemporary perspectives(pps. 17-34). Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield.

2014. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Men’s use of pornography.” In Cynthia Carter, Linda Steiner and Lisa McLaughlin (eds) Routledge Companion to Media and Gender (pps. 473-482). New York: Routledge.

2013. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Getting the Story Right: A Response to ‘The Feminist Ethnographer’s Dilemma.’” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Vol. 42(4): 439-450.

2013. McQueeney, Krista, Matthew B. Ezzell, Kenneth H. Kolb and Sherryl Kleinman. “Sociologjia dhe studimet gjinore: Riprodhimi i pabarazisë nëpërmjet “dallimit” [Sociology and Gender Studies: Reproducing Inequality through “Difference”], in Fatos Tarifa (ed.), Shkencat e shoqërisë: Sociologjia si disiplina integruese për studimin e jetës së shoqërisë, me parathënie nga Anthony Giddens [The Sciences of Society: Sociology as the Integrative Discipline for the Study of Social Life, Foreward by Anthony Giddens](pps. 617-643). Tirana, Albania: Onufri.

2012. Kleinman, Sherryl, and Matthew B. Ezzell. “Opposing ‘both sides’: Rhetorics, reproductive rights, and control of a campus women’s center.” Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 35(6): 403-414.

2012. Ezzell, Matthew B. “‘I’m in control’: Compensatory Manhood in a Therapeutic Community.” Gender & Society.Vol 26(2): 190-215.

2009. Kleinman, Sherryl, Matthew B. Ezzell and A. Corey Frost. “Reclaiming critical analysis: The social harms of ‘bitch.’” Sociological Analysis, Vol. 3(1):46-68.

2009. Ezzell, Matthew B. “‘Barbie dolls’ on the pitch: Identity work, defensive othering, and inequality in women’s rugby.” Social Problems, Vol. 56(1):111-131.

2009. Ezzell, Matthew B. “Pornography, lad mags, video games, and boys: Reviving the canary in the cultural coal mine.” In Olfman, S. (Ed), The sexualization of childhood (pp. 7-32). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

2007. Pleasants, Robert and Matthew Ezzell. “Thinking beyond achievement: Teaching gender sociologically.” In Diem, J. & Helfenbein, R. (Eds.). Unsettling beliefs: Teaching theory to teachers. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.

2002. Kleinman, Sherryl and Matt Ezzell. “The King’s English: A Campus Fable.” Feminist Teacher. Vol. 14 (2):179-184. Reprinted: (2003). In Kimmel, M, & Ferber, A.L. (Eds). Privilege: A reader (pp. 173-180). Cambridge, MA: Westview Press.


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