Minimum Criteria for Approval of Graduate Faculty Status
The following minimum criteria must be met for approval as a graduate faculty member:
- Possession of appropriate terminal degree in his/her field,
- Evidence of current scholarly productivity (within the last six years) as appropriate for his/her field;
- Evidence of successful teaching and/or administration at the graduate level within the last six years; and
- Any additional academic unit criteria on file with The Graduate School for the academic unit.
Minimum Criteria for Approval of Graduate Instructor Status
The following minimum criteria must be met for approval as a graduate instructor:
- Possession of appropriate master's degree in his/her field, preferably working toward appropriate terminal degree;
- Evidence of current scholarly productivity (within the last six years) as appropriate for his/her field; and
- Any additional academic unit criteria on file with The Graduate School for the academic unit.
The above minimum criteria for graduate instructor must be met for any faculty member who is to teach graduate courses at the 500-level or above.
The Graduate Council established the above criteria as minimum acceptable standards for all members of the Graduate Faculty at James Madison University. Individual colleges are encouraged to require additional criteria as appropriate for the particular field of expertise.
Application Procedure for New and Current Faculty Members
Faculty members may be appointed to the graduate faculty at any time, including upon hiring, if they meet the criteria for graduate faculty status. Their responsibilities must include graduate instruction, advising and/or supervision.
The faculty member’s academic unit head should send a letter through the college dean to the dean of The Graduate School requesting that the faculty member be appointed at the appropriate graduate faculty level.
The letter should include a brief description of how the faculty member meets the eligibility criteria for this appointment. The college dean must also sign the letter indicating approval prior to forwarding to The Graduate School. A copy of the applicant’s curriculum vita must be attached.
Academic Affairs policy for Appointment to the Graduate Faculty