Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Center for Faculty Innovation

Discover why it’s good to say “no” when you need to, and learn and how to do it.

Do you find yourself saying “yes” every time someone at work asks you to do something? Do you then find that you work late or don’t get your own work done because you are prioritizing deliverables for others over your own work? Do you find that saying “yes” to others distracts you from your own values in the workplace? Have you ever considered what would happen if you said “no” when someone asked you to do something you didn’t want to do at work? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this workshop is for you!

This workshop will help you to reflect on why it is so hard to say “no” to work-related tasks and explore some of the positive reasons to say “no” and the negative reasons for saying “yes.” We will then explore your own values and examine whether your values are reflected in the work you do. We will end with some practical strategies for saying “no” in the workplace to improve faculty well-being and reduce burnout.

A similar version of this workshop was offered at the Fall 2022 CFI Scholarship Retreat

In this interactive workshop we will explore

  • Setting healthy boundaries in the workplace and aligning their work with their values
  • Feeling an increased sense of belonging to the JMU community
  • Engaging in reflective practices about their faculty roles
  • Identifying strategies to maintain balance in work-life continuum

Event Date(s) & Time(s)

  • April 26th (Online)
    • 10:00AM-12:00PM
    • Zoom link is provided upon registration confirmation


  • Andreas Broscheid, DrPH, CFI, Department of Political Science
  • Suzanne Grossman, DrPH, Health Sciences


Our programs are intended for JMU faculty or staff only! If you are a student or administrator and would like to attend please email with your request.

If this is your first time visiting the registration page this semester, be sure to complete your profile information (including updating your college/division and department) for our records and clear your browser cache/cookies! 

Registration will close April 25th at 12PM!
Click here to Register!

CFI programs will be canceled automatically if JMU is closed for inclement weather.

We want this program to be welcoming, accessible, and inclusive for all of our participants. Please describe any considerations or accommodations (e.g., dietary, disability, wellness, cultural, etc.) you want us to know about in your account profile. You may also reach out to us at or (540) 568-4846.

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