
Little Red Corvette (HR2288)

Tue, 9 Jul 2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Note: This workshop is capped at 17 participants

Total Workshop Time: 2 Hours

Location: IT Training 101 (JMAC4)

Pre-requisites: None


Shift into retirement savings/planning gear, boost retirement knowledge and drive into a more secure future. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how to prepare for a secure retirement and take advantage of all of JMU’s retirement offerings.

Participants are encouraged to register for a myVRS account and bring their login credentials with them to the workshop.


  • Familiarize and understand your current retirement plan
  • Determine if you are on track with saving for retirement and securing your future and if not, find out how you can save more
  • Create a myVRS account and take a tour
  • Access and Review your Member Benefit Profile
  • Discuss:
    • Purchasing Prior Service
    • Supplemental Retirement Accounts 403(b) and 457
      (Pre-tax and Roth options)
    • 401(a) Cash Match


For VRS Plan 1 and 2 members ONLY


Facilitated by: Kristi Moon, Benefits Specialist, Human Resources

Register For Professional Development Workshops


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