Wed, 4 Jun 2025 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Note: This workshop is capped at 24 participants
Total Workshop Time: 2 Hours
Location: Wine-Price Building
Pre-requisites: None
Description: Are you contemplating retirement?
Have you set a retirement date?
What do you do next?
What benefits will you receive?
What is the timing of everything?
Come to Retirement 101 and learn the answers to all the questions above and more! Learn about your retirement options through the Virginia Retirement System (VRS), discuss the impact on benefits when you retire and learn how myVRS and human resources can aid in retirement planning.
FOR VRS PLAN 1, PLAN 2 and HYBRID MEMBERS. Contact your Benefits Specialist if you need information.
After this workshop participants will understand:
- When you are eligible to retire
- How your retirement benefit is calculated
- Your benefit payout options
- The retirement application process and timing
- What happens to benefits at retirement
- What benefits you will have available to you as a retiree
- The rules regarding working after retirement
Facilitated by: Julie Byers, Benefits Administrator, Human Resources