Wed, 5 Mar 2025 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Talent Development

Location: Zoom

To receive credit for attending this course, your camera will need to remain on for the session. If this is not possible given your work environment, please contact the TD team to discuss options.

Description: Even supervisors with years of experience can find their skills stretched when managing remote employees. According to one manager: “It’s like learning to drive on the wrong side of the road. You have to get to the same destination as before, but you now have different signals, cues, and controls — and that does take some time getting used to!” (What Great Remote Managers Do Differently – Harvard Business Review). 

Fortunately, you’re not alone. The events of 2020 pushed many into a remote environment, whether they were prepared for it or not. As a result, there are now resources available to help you do this well. 

Join us as we discuss how to apply your existing leadership skills, and what additional skills are needed, to lead your remote employees well. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the challenges associated with supervising remote employees. 
  • Identify strategies for overcoming the applicable challenges. 
  • Develop increased confidence in leaders in a virtual environment.  

Facilitated by: Carrie Wood, Department of Computer Information Systems and Business AnalyticsDir of Mktg & Communication

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