Tue, 2 Sep 2025 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Wine-Price Building
Description: Supervising a student employee? Come join us for an overview of how to supervise a student employee from posting the job, to the end of their contract. This training will give you the toolkit you need to be a supervisor that helps give JMU students the experience they will need for their future careers.
You will learn valuable skills on where to post your position, the interviewing process, the hiring process, training your new student employee, coaching & mentoring, disciplining and utilizing the 3-strike rule, the separation process & more!
Type of Information: Practice driven
Level of Interaction: Pair and table sharing
Extent of Practice: Scenarios and activities
Facilitated by:Amber Weaver-Shifflett, Student Employment Manager, The Student Work Experience Center; Timley Simmons, Student Employment Coordinator, Financial Aid & Scholarships