Tue, 21 Oct 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Talent Development

Location: Wine-Price Building

Description: H.G. Wells said, "No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else's draft." Before you start changing someone else's writing, you must be able to back-up your choices.  In this session, you will learn how to move from proofreading to editing.  You'll begin to develop into a more effective editor by focusing on the appropriateness of writing for different situations and learning to work collaboratively with authors.

In this workshop, participants will gain:

  • An increased ability to accurately proofread documents in various genres and styles
  • An ability to work with writers in an editorial role

Type of Information: Receiving data and practice
Level of Interaction: 
Pair and sharing
Extent of Practice: 
Scenerios and activities 

Facilitated by: Dr. Kristi Shackelford, Chief Communications Officer for Academic Affairs

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