Celebrating Class of 2016: A commencement overview
A commencement overview
SUMMARY: Over the weekend, JMU graduated nearly 4,000 students. On Thursday, 569 master's students were celebrated at the Graduate School commencement ceremony. A total of 3,280 undergraduates then became JMU alumni at Friday's University Ceremony. Seven college commencement ceremonies followed the University Ceremony and a nursing convocation and Army ROTC commissioning rounded out the weekend. We applaud the accomplishments of the Class of 2016 and thank family and friends for their continued support.
On Thursday, May 5, 568 master's students, 18 doctoral students and eight educational specialists received their degrees. |
Despite the rain, family, friends, faculty and staff celebrated the 3,280 new graduates of the Class of 2016. |
"People create ideas and solutions...There are endless possibilities" -Dr. Curt Carlson, founder and CEO of Practice of Innovation, commencement speaker |
The College of Health and Behavioral Studies came back to Bridgeforth with their family, friends and fun graduation caps. |
Duke Dog congratulated graduates of the College of Arts and Letters on the Quad. |
The graduates of the College of Visual and Performing Arts celebrated their degrees in front of Duke Hall. |
See what graduates, friends and family had to say on social media.