Martin Luther King Jr. Week Celebration Schedule with Theodore Shaw, guest speaker
JMU in the Community
SUMMARY: Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration week, from Jan. 16-20, commences with Theodore Shaw, a diversity and civil rights expert, speaking at the formal program on Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. in Wilson Hall.
Theodore Shaw, a diversity and civil rights expert, is the guest speaker for James Madison University’s Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Week formal program on Jan. 16.
Shaw’s presentation is part of the Jan.16-20 week honoring the life and legacy of the late civil rights leader. Organized by the Center for Multicultural Student Services, the week’s theme is “From Hashtag to Action: Unifying the Dream.”
Shaw will speak at 6 p.m. in Wilson Hall Auditorium. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. The Madison Vision Series and the Center for Multicultural Students Services will co-sponsor this event. The program will include a special dramatic expression, recognition of people within the community and our guest speaker.
Shaw is the director of the University of North Carolina Center for Civil Rights. He served as the fifth director-counsel and president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., for which he worked in various capacities over the span of 26 years. He has litigated education, employment, voting rights, housing, police misconduct, capital punishment and other civil rights cases in trial and appellate courts and in the United States Supreme Court.
The rest of the events for the week of Jan. 16-20 are:
NAACP Breakfast ( 1/17. Madison Union 256. 8 a.m.) – This Annual breakfast, sponsored by JMU’s chapter of the NAACP, presents a time to share a meal and conversation with faculty, students and staff during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week.
Dear Professor, I Wish You Knew: Voices of Marginalized Students Within the College Classroom (1/17. Madison Union 256. 12 p.m.) – Bring your lunch and join diversity professor Kara Kavanagh in a dialogue addressing your experiences concerning diversity and safety within the classroom.
D.E.E.P. Impact Cultural Series: 13th (Film) (1/17. Grafton Stovall Theatre. 7 p.m.) – 13th, an original Netflix documentary directed by Selma producer Ava Duvernay, gives viewers an in-depth look at the prison system within the United States and how it reveals the nation’s history of racial inequality. Following the movie there will be a brief discussion led by diversity educators.
Tea Time ( 1/18. Mad4U, Taylor 205A. 4 p.m.) – Celebrate the life and legacy of MLK over tea and scones. There will be an informal discussion regarding MLK’s impact on society today. This will also be an opportunity to view the banners of groups that are participating in the banner contest and vote for your personal favorite.
D.E.E.P. Impact Dialogue: From Hashtag to Action (1/18. Madison Union Ballroom. 7 p.m.) – This dialogue will highlight the importance and relevance of social media activism along with how modern social justice movements have evolved with social media. We will also discuss the idea of social media activism and how we can implement it to create movements.
March and Speak Out (1/18. Starts near Jimmy Statue by Varner House. 3:50 p.m. Ends at 5th Floor Madison Union Ballroom. Speak out directly to follow.) – This event is an opportunity to reflect on Rev. King’s contributions and the Civil Rights Movement, make connections to our lives today and dream about the future. All are invited to gather for the March at 3:50 p.m. at the James Madison statue where participants will march to several stops before concluding with the Speak Out in the Madison Union Ballroom.
Community Service (1/19. Boys and Girls Club of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County – Simms Center and Stone Spring Elementary. 3 p.m. ) – Give back to the community by joining CMSS volunteers as they partner with the Boys and Girls Club of Harrisonburg! The volunteers will assist with the after school program by engaging with the elementary students in various fun activities related to our MLK Celebration Week theme.
A New Season MLK Student Gala Banquet (1/19. Madison Union Ballroom. 7 p.m.) – Sponsored by Esteem Models, NAACP and BSA, this Gala will feature many performances and entertainment to close out the week. Food will be provided. Attire: Semi-Formal.