Poverty expert to speak at JMU, city church

JMU Headlines

by Eric Gorton



Dr. Laura Lein, an expert on the cycle of poverty, will present, "Understanding and Interrupting the Effects of Poverty," 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, March 19 in the Memorial Hall Auditorium at James Madison University. 

On Wednesday, March 20, Lein will lead a panel discussion from 6:45-8 p.m. on, "How Does a City Interrupt Poverty," at Asbury United Methodist Church. 

Lein, a professor of social work and anthropology at the University of Michigan, is the author of nine books on welfare, health care, children and families. During her three-day visit, she will shine a light on the multidisciplinary measures required to interrupt the systems that keep many families locked in the effects of poverty. 

In addition to her programs Tuesday and Wednesday, Lein will hold a panel discussion with JMU students; conduct a workshop on "Interrupting Poverty in P-12 Education Settings;" and lead a dialogue on "Social Science and Social Policy: Putting Your Skills to Work to Advocate for Social Justice." 

For more information, go to https://qrs.ly/8j9kcp7

Lein's visit is sponsored by the College of Education and the Institution for Innovation in Health and Human Services at JMU.


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Published: Monday, March 18, 2019

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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