JMU Speech Team's Impressive Accomplishments
Office of the ProvostThe JMU Speech Team returned from their largest tournament this semester with impressive accomplishments. The team finished 14 out of over 40 schools and over 400 competitors, including 16 of the Top Twenty teams from last year's National Individual Events Tournament. The individual results are as follows:
Jessie Burr (JR, SMAD/ENG) Semi-finalist in Impromptu Speaking--Top 12 out of 126 Speakers
Zach Healy (SR, SMAD/SCOM) 4th Informative Speaking--out of 87 Speakers
Nathan Selove (FR, SCOM/THEA) Novice Prose Semi-Finalist--Top 12 out of 52 Speakers and Novice After Dinner Speaking CHAMPION
The team, coached by Lee Mayfield and Alyssa Reid, travels this weekend to Seton Hall University.