JMU Wins 2015 CHEA Award for Student Learning Outcomes
Office of the ProvostJMU has been named a 2015 winner of the 2015 Council for Higher Education Accreditation Award for Outstanding Institutional Practice in Student Learning Outcomes. The awards committee chose JMU, along with Boston Architectural College, Practice Department, as outstanding from among 26 applicants.
The CHEA notes that "The 2015 CHEA Award recognizes the university for assessing the quality of its assessment practice, a form of meta-assessment. This effort has involved review and rating of the institution’s assessment practices across academic programs, monitoring assessment quality, addressing strengths and weakness and using the assessment system to communicate how assessment has affected student learning."
This is the third Council for Higher Education Accreditation Award for Donna Sundre and her entire team and highlights JMU’s standing in assessment and measurement.