Madison Writing Award Nominations 2016

Office of the Provost

Faculty who have received great writing from a student in the last three semesters (Fall 2015, Spring 2016 or Fall 2016) should consider nominating them for a Madison Writing Award. Winners will receive recognition and a cash prize, to be announced after Spring Break, 2017.

The Madison Writing Awards Committee invites each faculty member to nominate one outstanding work by an undergraduate student. We’re seeking the best work by undergraduates, regardless of medium and genre, from traditional papers to multimodal productions. Written works not exceeding 20 pages are eligible, as well as multimodal works that show evidence of high-quality written composition. If a student has produced a truly outstanding work and a faculty member would like to nominate that work, please take a minute to complete the short form.

Background of The Madison Writing Awards (MWA): Now re-established as a biennial campus-wide celebration of the best writing-based communicative work by JMU students, the MWA includes recognition and cash awards for outstanding work. The awards are sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters (CAL) and the School of Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (WRTC) and administered by a WRTC committee. Formerly known as “Write On,” the MWA awards now include multimodal works that demonstrate the importance of writing and the awareness of sophisticated rhetorical practice.

The MWA Committee will judge the entries, consulting subject matter experts as needed. WRTC and CAL will recognize and reward three to five undergraduate students, based on nominations from faculty. Faculty members are eligible to nominate one student work from Fall 2015, Spring 2016, or Fall 2016. The deadline for nominations is January 30, 2017.

Recognition and cash awards will be given in Spring 2017 to the three-to-five most worthy undergraduate student texts or products.

Madison Writing Awards Faculty Nomination form. Please return to Dr. Alex Parrish. 

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Published: Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Last Updated: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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