2020-21 BTC Calendar: Kristen Cavallo and Bill Nash
Being the Change
CarMax CEO Bill Nash (’91) and The Martin Agency CEO Kristen Cavallo (’91) showed their Duke pride by putting JMU on the national stage after CarMax selected Martin to lead its advertising efforts in April. For their first ad campaign together, the companies highlighted car stickers as a mode of self-expression. They featured a JMU sticker as a personal touch, emphasizing the meaning behind what we put on our cars. “It’s not just another ad; it’s a thought, it’s empathy and humanity that exist behind that sticker,” the agency’s group creative director told AdWeek. Cavallo and Nash, both business graduates, steer Richmond-based companies known for hiring JMU graduates. A JMU parent, Cavallo achieved national attention as the first female CEO at Martin. Nash supports JMU Athletics and the College of Business, including the future Learning Complex.