Sister Glenna Smith ('04M)
Women For MadisonThis Benedictine Sister speaks eloquently of her love for God and neighbor, but her actions are even more powerful. Sister Glenna helped launch Benedictine Counseling Services, which provides counseling, educational and psychological services, particularly for those who may not be able to afford such services on their own. She was also instrumental in the creation of BARN, Benedictine Aid and Relief for Neighbors, a transitional housing program for women and children who are homeless. She earned an Ed.S. in JMU's School Psychology Program and put her education to good use in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina, helping children deal with the anxieties of being displaced by the disaster. She also trained counselors on effective ways to help trauma victims. She's humble about her work and mindful of the blessings she's personally received in life. "The Scriptures tell us, 'From those who have been given much, much will be expected.' I believe I am one of those to whom much has been given. It's my turn," she says. And she's giving with her whole heart.
"I have never thought of myself as 'being the change,' but making the world better and better each day is something about which I feel strongly. The world and all that is in it is sacred; therefore, it just seems right to act responsibly and responsively."