Example of a Pandemic Syllabus

Center for Faculty Innovation

July 29, 2020


Format/modality of the course
  • In-person
Class time
  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 8:00 am – 9:15 am
  • CHBS 3032
  • All students attend both days
Communication Expectations
  • Email | Office hours
  • Before class (I will be in the room by 7:45 each day; I have class at 9:30 is SSC so have to leave by 9:15)
Technology Requirements
  • Access to Canvas and Zoom
Expectations around Personal Protective Equipment, disinfectants, and social distancing
  • Face masks (covering nose and mouth) required at all times in the classroom
  • Disinfectants and cloths will be available if you would like to wipe down your desk area
  • All students are to maintain social distancing while in the classroom unless participating in small group work
  • Close contact will occur for no more than 15 minutes, and face masks are required at all times
Partners / Groups
  • You have been randomly assigned a class partner in Canvas
  • It would help if you sat near your partner during class so you can have a socially distanced conversation
  • You may occasionally submit a group assignment, but most of this course is individual work
What you should do if you are or suspect you are sick
  • If you are ill, email me as soon as possible, and I will record the class and send you the lecture
  • If you are exhibiting signs of Covid-19, you should follow campus protocols
  • Students that receive notification from the LiveSafe app to seek medical attention should not attend class
Expectations around attendance
  • You are encouraged to attend class as long as you are not ill
  • Class will be recorded and made available to any students that proactively communicate their inability to physically attend class due to quarantine or isolation
  • These will not be posted on Canvas
Expectations around participation, engagement, and/or contributions
  • I do not have an attendance policy. I treat you like an adult who is paying for this course
  • You decide to attend or not
  • However, if you miss class, it is your responsibility to get the materials from a classmate
Community guidelines/rules of engagement for
synchronous online or inperson interactions
  • If this course moves online, the class will meet at least once per week synchronously
  • Students are expected to attend via Zoom with full
    participation and video unless you have a valid reason for not being on video (please contact me about this before synchronous session beginning)
    While it may seem easier to not be on video, it is important that we are building community and relationships among students and faculty
  • You are expected to dress for class as if it was in person
Office Hours
  • Via Zoom (there is a waiting room, so the conversation remains confidential)
  • If in-person is necessary, we will find a classroom or conference room to maintain physical distancing
  • See posted office hours
What will happen in the class if the university moves online again
  • If the University moves online, this class will meet at least once per week synchronously, and students are expected to attend

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by Katherine Harrison

Published: Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Last Updated: Friday, November 1, 2024

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