Center for International Stabilization and Recovery
MSC 1028 or 4902
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807

Letter from the Editor: The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Celebrates 25 Years!
Past, Present, Future: Mine Action in Motion
Mine Action: The Early Years
Applying “All Reasonable Effort” in the Falkland Islands Mine Clearance Programme
The Exploitation of Landmines in the Falkland Islands
Linking Mine Action and Development: the Case of Komyshuvacka
Developing National Landmine Clearance Capacity in Ukraine
Saving Lives in Eastern Ukraine: Alternative EORE Approaches
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education in Ukraine During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Landmine Clearance and Socioeconomic Development: A Study in Colombia
Impact Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic on Humanitarian Demining in Colombia
Moving the Story Forward
Mental Health: Taking a Proactive Approach to Support Staff in Mine Action
Digital Rehabilitation Technologies Deliver Hope for Survivors
An Innovative Approach to the Mental Health Needs of Humanitarian Mine Action Personnel
Data-Driven Decision-Making in Southeast Asia
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Land Release and Stockpile Destruction Operations Notes on a New Technical Note for Mine Action
A Virtual Reality Application for the Training of Deminers
Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives
Alternatives to Open Burning and Open Detonation: The Disparity Between HMA and Commercial Best Practices [ includes CISR EXCHANGE audio clip ]
First Steps to Limiting Conflict Pollution in Central Vietnam
Measuring Explosive Munitions Use with Open-Source Data: A New Tool for Enhancing Humanitarian Mine Action [ includes CISR EXCHANGE audio clip ]
The Elusive “Just Enough”: Re-inventing Explosive Hazard Clearance Management in Iraq
Managing Risk Through Transparency and Cooperation: Improving Lebanon’s PSSM Capacity
Assisting Landmine Survivors in Yemen
Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector
How to Implement Drones and Machine Learning to Reduce Time, Costs, and Dangers Associated with Landmine Detection