Center for International Stabilization and Recovery
MSC 1028 or 4902
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807

Mine Action and Food Security: The Complexities of Clearing Ukraine’s Agricultural Lands
Mine Mark Digital EORE: Being Innovative as a Small NGO in the Mine Action Sector
Computer Vision Detection of Explosive Ordnance: A High-Performance 9N235/9N210 Cluster Submunition Detector
Environmental Mainstreaming in Mine Action: A Case Study of Moving Beyond “Do No Harm”:
Land-Grabbing, Tribal Conflict, and Settler-Nomad Disputes: Land Rights in Mine Action: Land Rights in Mine Action
Mine Action and South-South Cooperation: Case of JICA and CMAC
How UAV Lidar Imaging Can Locate and Map Minefield Features: Cuito Cuanavale, Angola: Cuito Cuanavale, Angola
IMAS: An Overview of New and Amended Standards
A message from the director