Colombia Committed to Clearing Anti-Personnel Mines


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(Dialogo Americas) For seven years, Colombia's Humanitarian Demining Engineer Battalion No. 2 has been removing explosive devices in Roncesvalles, Tolima, where 14 mine victims were recorded. In Los Montes de María, the Colombian Navy’s Amphibious Demining and Engineering Battalion cleared nearly 600,000 square meters, declaring 19 municipalities mine-free. Colombia, heavily affected by mines, has seen significant progress with 81% of its territory now free of mines, thanks to extensive efforts by the Military Forces and various organizations.

From 2009 to 2024, 6,518,522 m² were cleared, 20 municipalities declared mine-free, and 242 devices destroyed. Humanitarian demining has achieved 327 mine-free zones, largely driven by the Humanitarian Demining Brigade. Support and training from international agencies have bolstered these efforts, with courses training around 250 deminers since 2015. Guerrillas have been the primary users of mines, impacting civilians and military personnel, causing lasting physical and socio-economic consequences.

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Published: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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