Woman Killed in Landmine Explosion in Manbij Countryside


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(Syria HR) In Aleppo province, a woman was killed by a landmine explosion in Arab Hassan Kabir Village, an area under SDF control in Manbij. Since early 2024, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has documented 120 civilian deaths, including 22 women and 41 children, due to old landmine explosions, unexploded shells, and bombs across Syria. Additionally, 136 civilians, including 13 women and 65 children, sustained injuries. In regime-controlled areas, 100 fatalities, including 21 women and 27 children, and 98 injuries, including 12 women and 35 children, were reported.

This toll includes 49 truffle pickers, with 28 injured. SDF-held areas saw 16 deaths, including 13 children and a woman, and 28 injuries, including a woman and 22 children. HTS-held areas recorded two deaths (a child and a man) and eight injured children. In areas with Kurdish and regime forces, one elderly man was killed and one young man injured. The “Euphrates Shield” area saw one fatality and one injury. Among these, 68 deaths and 55 injuries were caused by ISIS-planted landmines in regime-held areas.

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Published: Monday, July 15, 2024

Last Updated: Monday, July 15, 2024

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