CoB Recognizes Excellence in Teaching, Service, and Scholarship 2016
BusinessSUMMARY: CoB Faculty and Staff were recognized for their achievements at the faculty staff award luncheon on Friday, August 26th.
As faculty and staff from JMU’s College of Business (CoB) prepared to kick off the fall 2016 semester, CoB Dean Mary Gowan and Associate Dean Mike Busing recognized their outstanding achievements. During the annual faculty and staff award luncheon on Friday, August 26, the following individuals were honored:
- Susan Kruck, professor of computer information systems & business analytics, received the Accenture Professional Service Award, recognizing service to her profession and academic discipline.
- Robert Kolodinsky, management professor, received the Community Service Award in recognition of service to the CoB, JMU and the local community beyond campus.
- Brooke Goolsby, assistant to the CoB dean and special events planner for the Dean’s Office, received the Staff Service Award.
- Diane Lending, professor of computer information systems and the Capital One Information Security Scholar, received the MBA Graduate Teaching Award for outstanding teaching and service to the MBA Program.
- Fariss Mousa, associate professor of management and the Zane D. Showker Eminent Scholars Professor of Entrepreneurship, received two awards given by the University Provost - the Distinguished Teacher Award and the Madison Scholar Award.
- Carey Cole, a lecturer in the Department of Computer Information Systems, received the Kenneth R. Bartee Award for Teaching Innovation for achieving innovation in curriculum development and assessment of learning activities.
- Theresa Clarke, professor of marketing and the Wampler-Longacre Eminent Scholars Professor of Marketing, received the Dr. Otto C. Brenner Memorial Award - an award for which she was chosen by juniors and seniors at the end of the last academic year. The award is named for Dr. Otto C. Brenner, who won the award for Outstanding Undergraduate Professor more times than any other professor in the history of the College of Business.
The Basic or Discovery Scholarship Award was given to several individuals to recognize discipline-based scholarship that generates and communicates new knowledge, understanding and/or development of new methods that may impact the theory, knowledge, and/or practice of business and management.
Recipients are:
- 3rd place: Marshall Pattie, associate professor of management, for his article, “When Does Ethical Leadership Affect Workplace Incivility? The Moderating Role of Follower Personality,” published in Business Ethics Quarterly.
- 2nd place: Vipul Bhatt, associate professor of economics, for his article, “Like Father, Like Son? Intergenerational Educational Mobility in India,” published in Demography.
- 1st place: Raktim Pal, professor of computer information systems & business analytics, for the article, “Information Diffusion Among Agents: Implications for Humanitarian Operations,” published in Production and Operations Management.
The Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship Award recognizes scholarship that synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge that will contribute to and impact the practice of business and management.
Recipients are:
- 3rd place: Raktim Pal, professor of computer information systems & business analytics, for “Assessment of Proactive Environmental Initiatives: Evaluation of Efficiency Based on Interval-Scale Data,” published in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- 2nd place: Brad Roof, accounting professor and the Hantzmon Wiebel, LLC Faculty Scholar, and accounting professor Paul Copley for their article “GASB Pension Changes: Are You Ready?” published in the Journal of Accountancy.
- 1st place: Sandra Cereola, assistant professor of accounting and the Johnson Lambert Faculty Scholar, and Timothy Louwers, director of the School of Accounting and the KPMG Eminent Professor in Accounting, for their article “MD&A Disclosure Tendencies: The Case of LIFO Liquidations,” published in Accounting Horizons.
The Teaching and Learning Scholarship Award recognizes scholarly work that impacts the teaching methods of business and management by delivering new understandings, insights, and teaching content and methods that impact learning behavior.
Recipients are:
- 3rd place (tie): Bill Faranda, associate professor of marketing, for “The Effects of Instructor Service Performance, Immediacy, and Trust on Student-Faculty Out-of-Class Communication,” published in Marketing Education Review.
- 3rd place (tie): Bill Ritchie, associate professor of management, for his article, “Team Culture and Business Strategy Simulation Performance,” published in Journal of Management Education.
- 2nd place: Susan Kruck, professor of computer information systems & business analytics, for “The Impact of a Learner-Centered Mid-Semester Course Evaluation on Students,” published in Journal of Faculty Development.
- 1st place" David Hayes, accounting professor and the Deloitte Faculty Scholar, for “Helping Students Understand Occupational Fraud by Applying the ACFE Report to Daytime Television Talk Show Confessions,” published in Issues in Accounting Education.