SRM Student Joseph Kuykendall travels to Ghana, Africa
Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation ManagementJoseph Kuykendall (SRM '16), traveled with "Managers on a Mission" group to help run a sports camp for the villages and orphanages in Ghana, Africa. Josephn and the team worked for two weeks in a Christian orphanage in a village about an hour outside the capital city of Ghana, Africa.
For the first week the group ran G.A.M.E.S. which involved stations of Games, Art, Music, Enrichment and Sports (hence G.A.M.E.S.) for the 110 kids to participate in. For the second week the children learned how to play basketball and volleyball and held a knockout and volleyball tournament to help the children practice all their new skills they had learned. For each aspect of G.A.M.E.S. the children were taught sports and competition lessons from the Bible to supplement the activities.