Keep Growing - Keep Learning
School of Professional & Continuing Education (SPCE)
One of the fantastic advantages this year has brought and taught us, is how to, “Keep on, Keepin On”, no matter what life may throw our way. This outlook and experience has been brought to the forefront for Professional & Continuing Education (PCE) and youth programs as we have adapted new ways to make sure that learning opportunities for every age, are still in fact, endless.
Prior to COVID-19, the last in person activity we were able to offer for youth programs, was our ever popular College For Kids. After extensive planning, we are pushing our sleeves up and rolling out our 14th year of College For Kids, in person! This year’s program will still offer new exciting varieties of classes for students to select, with a slightly shortened version, all with COVID-19 measures in place.
This year’s program will take place every Saturday, February 6th-27th, 2021, from 9am-12pm at Memorial Hall. Class sizes will be half of what they have been in the past with only 6-7 students per class, in order to accommodate social distancing measures at all times. Students will arrive at one of the 3 different entrances in order to spread out student arrivals and departures as well as enter at a location that is closest to their classroom space. Temperature checks upon arrival, as well as masks will be required to attend.
Class options for grades 1st-8th are being offered, with an outstanding variety to attract students and parents alike. Class options as well as registration can be found here. With topic areas such as Marine Biology, Jr. FBI training, Lego engineering, instrument construction and many more to intrigue and continue student learning. Sign up today! We can’t wait to learn with your students and are so excited to have the opportunity to be face to face with again, even when its 6 feet or more apart!