Experiences Abroad for ADP
School of Professional & Continuing Education (SPCE)
This summer, the first group of students from SPCE’s Adult Degree Program took part in a Study Abroad trip. A group of 12 adult learners went to Germany, traveling and learning alongside other JMU students. These students spent time studying at the Europa Universität Viadrina, a university situated just blocks from the Oder River, the border line between Poland and Frankfurt, Germany. They were also able to travel to and explore the capital city of Berlin. The learning that was experienced through this program was life changing. In the words of one ADP student, Amanda Cravotta, “This trip taught me that across cultures we have so much in common, despite our personal and national histories. I dearly hope that other ADP students have the opportunity to participate in future study abroad programs. I’m so very proud to be a Duke!”
Study Abroad is an important experiential learning opportunity for any student, and we are excited that SPCE’s ADP students could take part. This also sets the groundwork for the exploration of other experiential learning opportunities for ADP students in the future. With the addition of more students and additional program partners, ADP continues to grow with a constant commitment to quality education for our students.