Welcome SPCE's new Engagement Fellow
School of Professional & Continuing Education (SPCE)
SPCE has the privilege of hosting one of JMU’s eight Presidential Engagement Fellows. The Presidential Engagement Fellowship program, established in 2016, allows outstanding JMU graduates to have the opportunity to experience a 10-month year of professional growth. According to JMU, “Fellows are placed with agencies, including JMU, where they work on projects designed to advance their capacity for engaged learning, community and civic engagement, and leadership while serving the needs of the JMU and affiliated communities. Fellows engage in various training and learning opportunities and serve as ambassadors and representatives.” Each fellow who has passed through SPCE has brought their own unique perspectives, ideas, enthusiasm, skills, and goals to their position and this year is going to be no different.
We are excited to introduce you to Teddy Levine, our 2023-24 Presidential Engagement Fellow.
Arlington, Virginia
What was your favorite part about being a student at JMU? Do you have a favorite memory?
Getting to be around such a friendly environment every day. I’ve never been somewhere where it’s so easy to make friends and lasting connections. I don’t think there’s a day that went by where I’d walk between classes and not see someone I knew. My favorite memory was being at the JMU vs. UVA basketball game – that JMU won, of course. I’ve told friends and family since, that was the best live sports event I’ve been to in my life.
Describe the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done. Would you do it again?
I got to study abroad through JMU, spending the summer of 2022 interning in Auckland, New Zealand. While I did work a lot, I got to spend time exploring the city, and even the country when I got the chance. Some friends and I took a weekend trip to Queenstown, where I managed to sprain my foot and end up on crutches from snowboarding. We planned to go skydiving the next day, and despite my foot, my jump instructor told me I could still go, so I got to experience that as well. I would absolutely go back to New Zealand to see more, as well as skydive again.
What projects/responsibilities will you be focusing on throughout your year as SPCE’s engagement fellow?
I will be spread out among several projects this year. I’ll be working as a part of the microcredentials taskforce to work on its implementation to the university, working with Youth Programs on policy work, and participating in the search committee for a new position, to name a few. I’ll also be pursuing my Project Management Professional certificate while working this year.
What do you hope to gain from the experience of being a Presidential Engagement Fellow?
I’m hoping to gain the high-level experience I wouldn’t be able to attain from a typical entry-level job. The opportunities I have to observe important conversations and projects promises to hold true to that. I’m looking to develop my competencies in leadership, project management, and innovation to capitalize on my undergraduate work with JMU.
What are you most excited about for your future?
I’m excited to see where my interests and strengths lead me, geographically and career-wise. I have no expectations of where I want to end up or what I want to do in the long term. I’ve been working hard to soak up everything I can so that no matter what opportunity presents itself, I’ll be prepared to jump for it.