10 High Fives for Youth Programs Summer Camps

School of Professional & Continuing Education (SPCE)

We can’t believe it! Summer 2024 is already coming to a close! SPCE’s Youth Programs had another busy and successful summer with several highlights that we are excited to share! With a total of 10 camps offered over an eight-week period, we served over 400 rising K – 12th grade students!


Partnerships with TRIO Talent Search and GEAR UP-

Thanks to newly formed partnerships with TRIO Talent Search and GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), a record number of scholarships were provided to campers during summer 2024!

Through the partnership with TRIO Talent Search, Youth Programs was able to provide a camp experience for 50 Harrisonburg-Rockingham area students identified as having disadvantaged backgrounds- 25 middle school students and 25 high school students participated in Science Explorers Camps on full scholarships provided by TRIO Talent Search. This was not only an incredible camp experience for these students, but it offered them the chance to experience life at a university and consider academic majors and careers as well!

Through the partnership with GEAR UP, Youth Programs was able to provide opportunities to students from high-poverty areas. Through this partnership, 25 high school students from the southern Virginia area participated in residential Science Explorers Camp on full scholarships provided by GEAR UP. As with the TRIO Talent Search students, this was not only an incredible camp experience, but it allowed students to experience life at a university for the week!

 girl looking through microscope


Summer Honors Institute Scholarships-

The 10th annual Summer Honors Institute was a success! This unique week-long program allowed 27 rising high school juniors and seniors to get a first-hand look at life as a JMU honors student by taking courses with faculty, exploring careers and academic majors, and learning about the JMU Honors program. Students attended from across Virginia and the U.S., as well as outside of the U.S.! Two students from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School in Pohnpei, Micronesia attended the Summer Honors Institute on full scholarships provided by Youth Programs and the Honors College. This was an incredible experience for these students who traveled over the course of 2 days to get to JMU!

 group photo in park

Renewable Energy Camp: Sustainability Solutions-

During Renewable Energy Camp, students learned about the power grid, Virginia’s energy sources, solar energy, electric vehicles, and so much more. On the first day of camp, students met with the Sustainability Coordinator at Massanutten Resort to learn about their sustainability projects and challenges. Students then worked in groups to come up with sustainability project ideas for the resort. At the end of the week, they presented their projects to members of the Massanutten Sustainability Committee and visited the solar panel installation at the water park.


These are just a few of the highlights from our busy summer! We are already in the process of planning for fall and winter, so be on the lookout for upcoming programming!

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Published: Friday, April 7, 2023

Last Updated: Friday, August 30, 2024

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