Exceeding Expectations

UREC's Aaron Combs receives the VRSA Award of Merit

University Recreation
Aaron Combs

Written by Natalie Lavery ('19)


Aaron Combs, the Assistant Director for Operations at James Madison University Recreation, has been awarded the 2019 Virginia Recreational Sports Association’s (VRSA) Award of Merit.

This award is a scholarship that is given to both students and professionals to recognize their outstanding contribution to campus recreation.

Aaron has worked at UREC for ten years, in multiple different positions. He has also taught several undergraduate courses for the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management.

“Within our department, Aaron is seen as a leader who motivates his fellow colleagues and students on a daily basis,” said Erica Foltz, Assistant Director for Member Services. Sarah Wright, the Coordinator of Informal Recreation and Youth Programs added, “He brings great energy to any team that he is a part of and pushes those teams towards greater success.”

Every year, Aaron makes it a priority to attend regional and national conferences and workshops. He has presented at multiple sessions and is committed to his personal and professional development. Aaron has also served on several NIRSA (Leaders in Collegiate Recreation) Intramural Sports committees and contributed efforts to a number of extramural tournaments.

While at JMU, Aaron has served on several campus committees including Madipalooza, the Student Affairs Assessment Council, the Co-Curricular Involvement Committee, the Community Coalition for Alcohol Abuse Committee, and Homecoming committees.

Aaron directly supervises 16 students, but he extends his aid to every student employee and participant at UREC. He serves as the chair for the Student Training & Development Committee, working to prepare UREC student employees for life after graduation. He coordinates staff trainings as well as 12-16 professional workshops each semester on development and skills for post-graduation.

Erica Foltz and Sarah Wright both described Aaron as “a vital component in the daily operations, energy and success of UREC.”  Adding that, “Our department would not be complete without his hard work, dedication, passion, and motivation.”


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Published: Sunday, February 24, 2019

Last Updated: Monday, April 22, 2024

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