JMU Advances Partnership with Leading Research Association
Research and Scholarship
SUMMARY: The Office of Research & Scholarship and college partners hosted the President and CEO of the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), a collaborative research consortium working to advance scientific discovery in the areas of nuclear physics, information technology, coastal and environmental research, and space science.
By Ben Delp (‘05, ‘08M), JMU Research & Scholarship

James Madison University leaders welcomed Sean Hearne, CEO and President of the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), for a campus visit on November 10th.
As a SURA member, JMU joins more than 60 member institutions in working towards SURA’s mission to “…advance collaborative research and education and to strengthen the scientific capabilities of its members and our nation.”
Academic leaders from the College of Science & Mathematics, College of Integrated Science & Engineering and the Office of Research & Scholarship shared JMU research strengths in the areas of nuclear physics, astronomy, computer science and mathematics. Hearne discussed SURA’s priorities, including a commitment to supporting faculty and students from historically underrepresented groups, opportunities for collaboration across SURA’s research portfolio, and JMU participation in hackathon events.

The conversation also focused on both current and potential research projects at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab), a U.S. Department of Energy science lab operated by SURA.

JMU faculty and students have conducted experiments and analysis at Jefferson Lab for at least three decades.
The visit concluded with a tour of the Madison Accelerator Lab (MAL), which houses a repurposed medical electron linear accelerator capable of providing both bremsstrahlung photon beam and electron beam. The electron linac is primarily used to conduct basic research in nuclear astrophysics, while an X-ray imaging facility can support research in a broad range of fields, including materials science, geology, history and museum studies.

According to the MAL website, the accelerator-based environment “…will create a multitude of opportunities for students considering careers in experimental nuclear/particle physics, nuclear engineering, or medical physics, as well as for those directly entering the [nuclear industry or government] workforce.”
President Jon Alger and Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship Anthony Tongen represent JMU on SURA’s Council of Presidents and Board of Trustees.
Photos courtesy of Ben Delp