Dux Leadership Presents the Technology Advantage: Tool or Tyrant?

Student Life

What comes to mind when you think of leadership? Often, larger than life figures leading great armies or nations through turbulent times can cloud the portrait of what leadership entails at the individual level. Dux Leadership Center’s purpose at Madison Union is not to show how to lead the masses but to teach students how to lead themselves in the right direction, so others may follow 

Senior communications major and Lead Team member Dion Gray said, “Regardless of where are in your collegiate career, [Dux] is useful.” 

DLC offers a variety of services in individual and group environments. For the past five Mondays, from 6-8 pm in Madison Union 206DLC has been holding Success or Burnout workshops to help students learn and practice effective work habits in and outside of college. On March 18th, they held a workshop titled The Technology Advantage on how to best utilize some of the technology that we often take for grantedThe workshop also provided tools for time management and organization methods. The principles they taught are the core of what make up mastery over technology and can be easily worked into a routine. Technology is a valuable tool and a growing necessity in our society, so it is important to become knowledgeable about how to best use it 

A theme of The Technology Advantage workshop was, “Rule your tech, don’t let it rule you.” 

Throughout the course, Grad Student Micah Hodges and Dion Gray stoked participation and discussion within the intimate group. They got students to think of how the tools they were teaching could be put into their daily lives and asked them to think critically about their habits. 

Music major Elaine Lin has been coming to DLC workshops for a year now and said, “It has increased my self-awareness, and I have become more organized in my professional life.”  

DLC also recently held the Strengths Leadership Conference on March 23rd from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm in Madison Union. Before arriving, students must fill out the CliftonStrengthsAssessment to find their top five strengths. During the conference, students break up into groups and discover how to best utilize their strengths and work on their weaknesses. Brunch is also served as an incentive and welcome. The Strengths Leadership Conference happensevery semester, so look out for it in the fall. 

If you feel you aren’t reaching your potential, want to maximize your productivity, or find yourself reaching for your phone like a pack of cigarettes, leadership is for you. Not to lead others, but to lead yourself where you envision.  

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Published: Monday, March 25, 2019

Last Updated: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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