Mad4U Wants to Know: What’s the TEA?

Student Life
Tea Time

Marginalized peoples are often misunderstood. Through this misunderstanding, they often find themselves further outcast from the communityTo combat misunderstanding, Mad4U is Shades of Pride and the Black Student Alliance to ask What’s the TEA on October 7th in Madison Union Room 302 from 5-6:30 pm. The event will showcase the stories of those ostracized on JMU’s campus and community and will work to promote tolerance and understanding. 

This event is not only for members of the host organizations, but for anyone who seeks a more varied understanding of the human experience. JMU strives to be more diverse every day and every new semester. As they do, the  Join Shades of Pride and the Black Student Alliance in learning and sharing stories off the beaten path this Monday, October 7th.  

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Published: Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Last Updated: Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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