UPB Updates Movie Nights
Student Life
If you love movies, then we’ve got some good news for you. UPB has updated their weekly movie nights at Grafton Stovell Theater. Students and staff members can now see movies for free if they present a valid JACard at the ticket booth. For the general public tickets are now $3. Anyone who stops in for a movie can purchase freshly popped popcorn for $1.
Additionally, UPB has changed their weekly line up. Movies will now be shown five times a week, Tuesday through Saturday. Many of the movies shown at Grafton are films that have recently left theaters, so you can always catch the movies you missed out on. This month’s lineup includes some hot summer blockbusters like Disney’s The Lion King reboot and the Elton John biopic, Rocketman.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are now classics nights. You can stop in for throwback flick and see some of your favorite films from the past. This month classics line up will feature Mean Girls, Forrest Gump, and, Grease. With the wide variety of films now offered, you’re sure to find something for you and your friends to enjoy. A trip to Grafton is a more exciting alternative to a night of Netflix.
For more information on movies at Grafton and a detailed schedule, click on this link: UPB Movies