Get to Know New People at the OCL Roommate Mixer
Student Life
Everyone’s heard a roommate horror story and while listening to them can be fun, no one wants to live one. If you want to avoid a rough roommate experience, check out Off Campus Life’s Roommate Mixer on Thursday, November 14th from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Festival Highlands Room.
This is a great opportunity to meet potential roommates through different icebreakers, games, and “speed dating” activities. Attendants will learn exactly what to look for in a roommate along with ways to handle conflicts that arise in a rooming situation. The event is a great opportunity if you are looking for a group of people to live with or if you’re in need of another roommate to fill a house or apartment. It will be an excellent chance to meet and connect with a wide range of people and it’s one of the only times you’ll be able to interact with so many potential roommates in person.
For more information on living off campus, check out OCL’s website here.