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Student Life
With the semester abruptly shifting to online classes, you may not have gotten the closure of saying goodbye to your friend group. While this shift may have been difficult, keeping in contact with your friends is not! There are a ton of ways to stay connected with friends in this time. Here are a few:
- Zoom / WebEx / Facetime / HouseParty – All of these resources are great for video-chatting with multiple people. While you may not be able to hang out in person with your friends, using these web resources allows you to still see them and talk to them while keeping a safe distance.
- Netflix Party – This Google Chrome extension allows you to watch the same TV show or movie on Netflix in real time with a group. The extension opens up a live chatroom as well, allowing you and your friends to discuss the show and catch up.
- JackBox Games – These online game packs allow for people to play together on their phones. There’s a ton of different games within these packs and it’s a great way to host an activity for you and your friends. The best part: you can share your screen in the video-meeting software Zoom, so everyone is able to see the game.
- Play Bingo – Virtual Bingo is another way to stay connected! Whether you are using traditional cards or making your own custom ones, is a great resource.
- Making a Collaborative Playlist – The web-music player Spotify allows for users to collaborate on a playlist. It’s an easy way to connect with friends through the music you are enjoying through your quarantine.
- Pen Pals – Now is a great time to try your hand at writing each other letters! It’s always fun to receive something in the mail and letters can be a sentimental object that you can save for years to come!
These are just a few ways you can stay connected with friends. It’s important to try your best to continue to foster friendships. Now more than ever, it’s a great thing to have friends as a resource. Taking intentional time to connect with others is a great way to ease you through this crazy time!