The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Education with a concentration in Educational Leadership and Educational Leadership Certificate Program are designed to prepare candidates to assume leadership positions in both school and district offices. The organizing theme for the program is the school/district administrator's central role as the interpreter, facilitator, and initiator of educational change leading to effective schools for all children.
This program meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth of Virginia. While it might meet requirements in other U.S. states or territories, JMU makes no guarantees or promises that it does and thus cannot enroll a prospective student who intends to seek licensure and employment outside of Virginia. However, per Federal Department of Education regulation 34 CFR 668.14(b)(32), if you will be located in a state other than Virginia while participating in the program, and attest that upon successful completion of this program you plan to pursue licensure and employment in Virginia in a related field, you will be eligible for enrollment.
In accordance with VDOE Regulations, a candidate who has the appropriate teaching license, who completes the Educational Leadership program and who achieves a passing score on the School Leader's Licensure Examination is eligible for endorsement in PK-12 administration and supervision in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
New online synchronous (live) cohorts forming now! To get started, visit the LTLE Educational Leadership MEd webpage for program and application information.
For content-specific questions, contact Dr. Cecil Snead (snead2cc@jmu.edu); for advising or general questions, contact Danielle Maxham (gallagda@jmu.edu).