The Master of Education with a concentration in Mathematics prepares secondary teachers for positions of instructional leadership as master teachers of mathematics. The program extends the professional competence of secondary mathematics teachers through an in-depth study of mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning.
Program participants will demonstrate their knowledge through individual and collaborative projects and presentations, field-based curriculum implementation and evaluation, and the use of reflective classroom inquiry. The program, which is a collaborative effort of the College of Education and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, is designed to provide opportunities for mathematics teachers to deepen their understanding of mathematics by learning advanced mathematical topics in relation to the mathematics they actually teach. The program will also help prepare teachers to teach advanced secondary mathematics courses, such as Advanced Placement Calculus or Statistics. The proposed mathematics education courses will provide opportunities for teachers to learn math-specific technologies for learning, how to implement appropriate mathematics curriculum, and how to continue to develop as professional educators.
In addition, the program is designed to develop teachers' understanding of and ability to apply education research within their own practice. The Teacher Work Sample is the culminating project. The program content is consistent with the recommendations of the Mathematical Education of Teachers report of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences.
For more information on the program, click here.
To apply, click here and select "I want to apply to a graduate program."