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EAC Member

John Blackwell UG (84)

Passion and desire are two traits that a person must have to be successful.  My passion rests in my love for my alma mater and the experiences I had during my undergraduate years.  As a 1984 graduate of James Madison University, I was able to be a part of the foundation of excellence and leadership for which the university is currently noted.  The relationships established at JMU have sustained me throughout my career.  Those relationships are what brought me back to serve on the Executive Advisory Board for the College of Education.  I currently serve as the Coordinator of Assessment for Virginia State University’s College of Education and it is from this position that I serve as the president of the Virginia Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (VACTE) and Southern Region Representative for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).   I am passionate for teacher education and my desire to produce the highest quality teachers for Virginia and the nation.  I also hold a deep passion for JMU and am appreciative for the many life changing experiences that occurred during my time there.  My wife Maureen (Moe) is also a 1984 graduate of the JMU College of Education.  As a former student-athlete I had the privilege of representing JMU on the football field and in the classroom, earning a B.S. in Business Administration and being named an All-American.  Serving on this board affords me the opportunity to give back to the university some of what it has given to me.  Go Dukes!     

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