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EAC Member

Courtney Peckham graduated from JMU in 2013 with a BS in Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies before continuing her education through the College of Education’s five year Master's program and earning a Master of Art in Teaching in 2014. In her five years at Madison, Courtney was an active participant in campus life as a Student Ambassador, First Year Orientation Guide, an employee at the University Admissions Office, and a Graduate Assistant through the Office of Student Activities and Involvement; specifically working with the Mad4U program. After graduating, she earned her certification in K-12 Administration and Supervision from George Mason University in 2019.

Courtney began her teaching career at Liberty Elementary School in Loudoun County, Virginia. While in the classroom, she mentored new teachers, was an active member of the school’s Leadership and Personalized Learning teams, and hosted two student teachers from JMU. She directed Liberty's summer STEM programs and was an active member of the school’s STEM team, leading them to be named a National STEM Excellence School. She has presented professional development throughout the county as well as at national and international conferences. She connected her teaching back to her roots at JMU through her work with Dr. Almarode and the Virginia New Teacher Support Program in 2020.

After seven years in the classroom, Courtney currently serves as the Dean of Students at Liberty Elementary. She works closely with teachers and students through behavior support for students, as well as professional development and advancement for staff. She leads the PBIS Team and mentors teachers as a STEM coach, helping to build teacher efficacy and student achievement.

Courtney lives in Reston, Virginia with her fiancé Matthew, a fellow Duke (‘13) and current employee of JMU. She is excited to continue to serve the College of Education and to remain involved with such a wonderful university!

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