Please note: There are more JMU funds available than are listed within this search form. Please contact us ( if you have any trouble finding a fund.
Fund | Description |
Accounting Excellence Fund | Provide the resources to enhance JMU's excellence in preparing accounting graduates for successful careers. |
Madison Art Collection Fund | Help students, faculty and the community explore the diverse world cultures represented by artifacts in the collection. |
Athletic Training Education | Prepare students in athletic training through challenging and progressive academic and clinical educational experiences. |
Assessment and Measurement Ph.D. Program | Help students meet the expanding accountability, quality assurance, and outcome assessment needs of today |
Art, Design and Art History Fund | Support the creative and scholarly development of student and faculty artists, educators, historians and curators. |
Edith J. Carrier Arboretum Fund | Support the educational work of a wonder of nature in the heart of campus that has won numerous "best place" accolades. |
Archery Club | Bring the sport of archery to students interested in learning in a fun, exciting coed athletic atmosphere. |
Fencing | ring the sport of fencing to students interested in learning in a fun, exciting coed athletic atmosphere. |
Crew Club | Provide funding and opportunities to a hard-working, student-run group of dedicated athletes. |
Bachelor of Individualized Study | Help adults earn a bachelor degree that accommodates individual needs, schedules, and career goals |
Alvin V. Baird, Jr. Attention Learning Disabilities Center | Raise awareness and support students that face the challenges of attention and learning disabilities. |
Biology Research Projects | Give students access to scientific equipment and supplies to launch them into investigative and collaborative research. |
Biology Visiting Speakers Fund | Enrich biology education and expose faculty and students to scientists and research outside JMU |
Computer Science Fund | Contribute to the development of both students and computer science and help sponsor the next great innovator. Read More |
The Breeze | Stay informed of events around campus and the community and contribute to our award wining, official student newspaper. |
CoB Faculty Excellence Fund | Support professional development to help world-class Madison professors stay on the cutting-edge of their professions. |
Counseling Center Fund | Ensure that students succeed and develop personally, socially, and academically by providing counseling services Read More |
Center for Economic Education | Promote economic literacy throughout the Shenandoah Valley and support outreach in the community |
Center for Assessment and Research Studies | Provide quality assessments and increase the rigor of measurement and statistical technique across the university |
Center for Faculty Innovation Fund | Support the innovation of the JMU faculty in teaching, research, scholarly writing, service and student mentorship. |
Chemistry Fund | Help ensure new faculty success and give chemistry students the chance to work one on one with research mentors. Read More |
Cherry, Bekaert and Holland Faculty Fellowship | Contribute to help a faculty member further his or her educational and professional duties. |
Deloitte Fellowship | Support and encourage faculty to further their educational and professional goals and aspirations. |
CSM Student Research and Travel Fund | Help offset the research and travel expenses for JMU undergraduates who present at regional and national conferences. Read More |
Community Service Learning | Help incorporate community service as an integral part of what it means to be an enlightened, responsible citizen |
Faculty and Student Summer Research in Biology | Support the Smith-Crabtree student-faculty team research fund, encouraging professor-student collaboration in biological research |
Communication Studies Fund | Support the study of human communication, which is central to achieving the betterment of self and community. |
Media Arts and Design Fund | Ensure that curriculum and programs continue to educate students who can excel in a rapidly evolving media environment. |
Research and Scholarship | Support faculty in funding the revision and development of cutting-edge academic programs in new and emerging areas. |
Disability Services | Assist in creating an accessible community for students with disabilities to fully participate in their education. |
JMU Dance Program | Support faculty as they work closely with students to develop individual paths to careers in dance |
Forensics Individual Events | Support the Forensics team and its student talent as the team travels and represents JMU at speech-related competitions. |
Forensics - Individual Events | Support the Forensics team and its student talent as the team travels and represents JMU at speech-related competitions |
Public Relations Program | Supports public relations students in SCOM and helps ensure curriculum and programs launch students into successful careers. |
Debate Team | Help the JMU debate team continue to be one of the best policy debate teams in the country. |
Early, Elementary and Reading Education Fund | Help give young children the start they need by supporting the education of outstanding teachers at JMU. |
Economics Lectureships and Student Research Fellowships | Support students involved in lectureships and student research fellowships in economics. |
The Economics Department Fund | Help students as they connect the issues of economics and social sciences, problem solve and make responsible decisions. |
The English Department Fund | Help provide students with the strong foundation in the skillful use of language that employers seek. |
Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship Fund | Support students of all majors as they embark on their entrepreneurial path, taking their vision from idea to execution. |
Executive Advisory Board Support Fund for Excellence in Economics | Support initiatives within the Department of Economics. |
Finance and Business Law Fund | Promote the skillset of the future as students investigate innovation and problem-solving in finance and business law. |
Faculty Success Fund | Faculty support helps us get and keep the best professors. Read More |
CHBS Special Projects | Support the College of Health and Behavioral Science by funding their special projects. |
College of Arts and Letters Fund | Launch students on a lifelong search for knowledge and understanding the human condition through rigorous scholarly inquiry. |
Visual and Performing Arts Fund | Foster creative, scholarly collaboration and interdisciplinary exchange for faculty, students and visiting artists. |
JMU Dukettes Dance Team | Support the group of dedicated and talented students who bring endless school spirit to JMU sports through their dancing. |
Foreign Language Fund | Give students foreign language competency, global perspective and an understanding of ancient and modern cultures. |
Furious Flower Poetry Center Fund | Preserve the power of the American literary experience by supporting the study of poetry and encouraging new talent. |
Geology and Environmental Science Fund | Help geology majors to conduct vital fieldwork and present their research findings at national professional conferences. Read More |
Geographic Information Sciences | Prepare students to address problems associated with spatial patterns and processes of human and environmental change. |
General Education Fund | Ensure that students receive that liberal arts grounding from one of the nation's leading General Education programs. |
McGladrey, LLP Faculty Fellowship | Contribute to the future of students by supporting faculty in the College of Business. |
The Graduate School Fund | Support students pursuing advanced degrees in JMU's superlative and innovative graduate programs of distinction. |
Graduate Psychology | Help produce psychologists committed to their patients, ethical responsibility, social awareness, and global engagement |
JMU Campus Cadet Program | Ensure the safety and welfare of the campus community and help reduce the impact of crime on the university. |
JMU Emeriti Association Faculty Grant Fund | Help continue to build the JMU culture and support faculty in a different department each year |
Hantzmon, Wiebel and Company Faculty Fellowship | Award a notable faculty member and help them further their professional and educational goals. |
Health Services Administration Fund | Provide support for the Health Services Administration Program. |
Health Sciences Fund | Help the Health Sciences Department as it breaks new ground each day with students in four concentrations. |
University Health Center | Support staff as they empower students to make informed choices and provide a holistic approach to student health |
John C. Wells Planetarium Fund | Untether young intellects from their earth-bound perspectives. Open their eyes to the vast possibilities of their future. Read More |
Journalism Program Support | Fund the next generation of writers and reporters by providing them tools to report in engaging and conscientious ways. |
The History Department Fund | Give students historical knowledge and the independent critical thinking, communication and research skills to use it. |
Honors College Fund | Help create exceptional and compelling scholarly experiences for highly motivated students. |
Hospitality Management Program | This fund supports opportunities that help hospitality students by growing progressive, challenging programs that fuse business, technology and analysis. |
Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World | Support sustainability by facilitating environmental efforts and advocacy across JMU's campus |
ISAT - Wind Energy | Support the innovation and environmental consciousness behind ISAT's initiative to bring more wind power to JMU |
Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics | Support a program dedicated to helping students jump start their careers in the challenging and rewarding IT marketplace |
Information Analysis Program | Support students with interest in becoming government or private industry intelligence analysts. |
International Business Program | Change perspectives and equip students to work comfortably in more than one corner of the global marketplace. |
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication Fund | Support this fund to help students in their quest to become effective and persuasive communicators. |
Institute for Creative Inquiry Fund | Support the inquiry of multidisciplinary teams of faculty and students investigating the nature and workings of images. |
Alternative Fuels | Help students in ISAT explore alternative fuels and work toward environmental sustainability. |
ISAT Department Fund | Help students apply science and technologies to social problems and realize solutions that are embraced by society. Read More |
JMU Jazz Ensemble | Help to support our talented musicians as they further their performance experience in JMU Jazz ensembles |
JMU Learning Centers | Give students the tools to succeed by supporting learning centers that specialize in different areas of study. |
Johnson Lambert and Company Beta Alpha Psi Faculty Fellowship | Help faculty establish education to prepare students for a future in their industry. |
Justice Studies Program Fund | Help students develop an understanding of justice as they prepare to invest themselves in helping others. |
Math and Statistics Fund | Give math and statistics majors the chance to undergo scientific peer review at national professional conferences. Read More |
KPMG Accounting Professorship | Contribute to the future of professional and prepared students by supporting an accounting professor. |
Library General Fund | Support the JMU Libraries, where a century of students have sought knowledge, discipline and learning. |
Learning, Technology and Leadership Education Fund | Support a program that prepares students needed in positions of learning and leadership throughout society. |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Ally Education | Support the LGBT ally program and encourage diversity through education, support, advocacy, and equality |
Speech-Language, Hearing Applied Lab Fund | Support the vital hands-on work of the Speech-Language and Hearing Lab for faculty, students and clients. |
Global Nonviolence Center Fund | Honor the icon who espoused Be the Change and create a just and better world by supporting the Mahatma Gandhi Center. |
The Management Department Fund | Sponsor the investigation of how people can work well with others and also manage a successful and ethical business. |
JMU Marching Royal Dukes Band | Support the group of dedicated and talented students who bring endless school spirit and music to JMU sports |
Marketing Department Fund | Support the vibrant instruction and innovative curricula that help students develop specialized skills in marketing. |
Master of Business Administration Program | Help students become accomplished in today's complex and dynamic business environment through two MBA programs. |
JMU Choral Area | Support the talent and growth of JMU's premiere vocal performance groups |
Men's Club Rugby | Encourage team unity and provide a competitive and safe environment to play, practice and perfect the sport of rugby. |
Men's Club Soccer | Encourage healthy competition, teamwork, and camaraderie by helping students pursue a worldwide sport. |
Men's Club Water Polo | Foster the competitive and social environment produced by a club spot that emphasizes teamwork, dedication, and skill. |
Middle, Secondary and Mathematics Education Fund | Help prepare the middle, secondary and mathematics teachers who will educate the next generation of youth. |
Military Science (ROTC) Fund | Help the JMU Duke Battalion recruit, develop, train and commission agile and adaptive warrior-leaders. |
Center for International Stabilization and Recovery | Improve lives and communities by supporting this organization that helps those affected by conflicts around the world. |
Multicultural and International Student Services Center | Support the Center for Multicultural Student Services and encourage diversity and cultural understanding at JMU |
School of Music Fund | Help a conservatory-quality faculty produce the classically trained artists who will rapt audiences and educate children |
The Nelson Institute Fund | Support the institute as it studies ways to fight global terrorism and strengthen our nation's strategic position. |
New Image Gallery | Gain a different perspective and support contemporary photography by regional, national and international artists |
Nursing Fund | Add to the hands-on learning experiences of JMU nursing students with high-fidelity simulators in the Simulation Lab. |
Nursing Student Activities | Continue the donations started by Flagstaff Industries and help offset the cost of attending nursing association events. |
Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices | Support a fair and ethical JMU community, and encourage moral responsibility and honest actions |
Orchestra | Help provide top-notch training and musical experience for some of JMU's most talented musicians. |
Outreach Programs | Contribute to K-12 youth camps and increase access for our under-served youth. |
Percussion Studio | Honor a JMU percussion ensemble with a nationwide reputation for performance quality. |
PBMares Fellowship | Help faculty in the College of Business further and perform their educational and professional duties. |
Philosophy and Religion Fund | Support students as they delve into questions at the heart of the nature of knowledge and human beliefs. |
JMU Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa | Promote scholarship and honor intellectual achievement by supporting the nation's oldest academic honor society |
Kinesiology Fund | Help students build strong careers in improving individual and societal health through physical activity and fitness. |
Physical and Health Education Teacher Education | Commit to educating future teachers of physical and health education to create a healthier generation |
Physicians Assistant Program | Help provide general supplies and services in support of the PA concentration in the Department of Health Sciences. |
Physics Fund | Help give youth an early start and give physics majors the benefits of the premier undergraduate physics program in the nation. Read More |
University Career Center | Engage students in the process of exploring, evaluating, and choosing academic programs and careers. |
Political Science Department Fund | Support the Political Science Department as it prepares students for careers in the world of government and politics. |
President's Council Fund | Get involved in philanthropy and join the President's Council with a gift of $1,000 annually |
Student Activities and Involvement Office | Support Student Activities and Involvement programs such as leadership development, educational speakers, and campus involvement. |
Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services Fund | Support the good works of the institute, including hands-on student projects and community service-learning. Read More |
Presidential Inauguration Support Fund | Support and celebrate JMU's instrumental presidential leadership |
The Psychology Department | Help provide students with the broad training and specialized clinical skills in psychology and research methodology. |
Sports and Recreation Management Fund | This fund supports opportunities for fostering student understanding of hospitality, sport and recreation industries and preparation for successful careers. |
Robinson, Farmer, Cox Educational Foundation's Faculty Fellowship | Support Accounting faculty working to advance programs to create strong educated and professional business students. |
College of Business Fund | Help the College of Business prepare engaged, entrepreneurial, ethical graduates who advance quickly in their careers. |
College of Education Fund | Help the faculty prepare educators who aspire to meet the needs of a changing, pluralistic and democratic society. Read More |
Information Technology | Assist the IT department in providing superior customer service, seamless training, and enhanced academic instruction |
College of Science and Mathematics Fund | Help support the expert and engaged faculty members at the heart of Madison's distinguished science and math programs. Read More |
Sawhill Gallery | Support art exhibitions of international, national, and regional significance right on JMU's campus |
Semester in Salamanca | Send students to study in Salamanca, where they live with local families and acquire a genuinely local perspective. |
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics | Help expand and encourage one of the most in-demand fields in the current workforce and support JMU's role in it |
College of Integrated Science and Technology | Support the study of technical knowledge with the human element of STEM to help graduates find solutions to challenges |
Department of Engineering | Help students as they analyze problems and design solutions with technical, economic, environmental, and social impacts |
School Psychology Program | Help psychologists better understand the world and how we think about it behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively |
Sociology and Anthropology Fund | Help students understand ancient and modern cultures, relationships and the spectrum of human diversity. |
Fund for Social Work | Prepare social work majors for social services careers and advanced degrees in social work programs across the nation. |
Small Business Development Center | Help advise, train, and inform small businesses to help them achieve success |
Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities | Help prepare educators and others who teach and serve individuals with exceptionalities and their families. |
Communication Sciences and Disorders | Support the study of speech pathology and audiology and prepare students for state and national certification |
Theatre Program | Support talent, creativity, and passion through a full production program and appreciation of great works in theatre |
Madison Investment Fund - Operations | Support the development of a cutting-edge program in the Department of Finance and Business Law |
Division of Student Affairs | Support our program's dedication to assuring our students obtain life long skills and accomplish their dreams |
Center for Global Engagement | Give students the opportunity to live and study in a different culture and better understand themselves and others. |
Theatre and Dance Fund | Support the creative and scholarly development of student and faculty performers, designers, historians and educators. |
Technology Alumni Group | Help to foster student, alumni, and faculty success by exposing them to cutting-edge technology. |
University Unions | Support the "Heart and Soul of JMU," which provides services, programs, and facilities that form communities at JMU |
University Recreation Fund | Help supplement and enhance the full spectrum of student activities and leadership opportunities involved with recreation and fitness. |
Madison Fund | Support this fund and give the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships the resources to help students in need. |
Parents & Families Fund | Support the whole university and prepare students to lead productive and meaningful lives. |
Women's Resource Center | Support the health and wellness needs of women at JMU within the University Health Center |
University Program Board | Fund a student-run organization that brings performers, activities, and events to JMU's campus |
VERIS Consulting Faculty Fellowship | Partner with VERIS Consulting and Beta Alpha Psi to support a faculty member. |
Wood Family Fund | Encourage the value of learning by supporting deserving students in their pursuit of education. |
Young Children's Program | Help JMU Education students get involved by leading quality learning programs for young children and their families. |
Women's Club Lacrosse | Provide experience players the opportunity to participate in competitive play in a team-oriented atmosphere. |
Women's Club Rugby | Support the women's club rugby team in funding travel, equipment, and activity expenses |
Women's Club Water Polo | Complement the academic experience with a competitive atmosphere that build skills and teaches the game of water polo. |
JMU Recreational Climbing Support Fund | Encourage unique fitness and wellness among college students by supporting recreational climbing at JMU. |
Club Gymnastics | Provide funding to a team that promotes a fund and encouraging atmosphere for all levels of gymnasts. |
Cycling Club | Fund an outlet for students to be active in cycling either recreationally or competitively. |
Class of 1953 Golden Reunion Gift | Help the class of 1953 celebrate their reunion and gift a deserving student. |
Class of 1962 Scholarship | Help the class of 1962 honor a exceptional and deserving student. |
Class of 1963 | Help the class of 1963 support a their alma mater through a financial contribution. |
Accounting Scholarship | Support the academic and career goals of deserving students pursuing a degree in Accounting. |
Learning, Technology, and Leadership Education Student Award | Support greatness among JMU's best Adult Education and Human Resource Development students |
Donna S Amenta Chemistry Award | Honor a remarkable professor and support a deserving student interested in the investigation of chemistry |
Norlyn L. Bodkin Scholarship | Support a deserving biology student conducting field studies for the arboretum and botanical field. |
Martha B. Caldwell Art History Award | Recognize an outstanding graduating senior who demonstrates original thinking and outstanding scholarship. |
Centennial Scholars Program | Aid minority and underrepresented students from low socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue higher education. |
CoB Scholarships | Help attract top business students to JMU and in turn help produce the kind of proficient graduates business demands. |
Computer Information Systems Scholarship | Support the past and future achievements of a CIS student with high potential |
Student Affairs Scholarship | Support students who are family members of full-time employees in the Division of Student Affairs and University Planning |
Casey Mitschele Dorsey Scholarship | Reward a junior or senior psychology student with high academic credentials and potential |
EU Policy Studies Fund | Support the only one of its kind, a study abroad master's political science program focused on the European Union. |
General Scholarships | Support our brilliant students as they become accomplished graduates. |
MPRI Interactive Media Scholarship | Support a rising senior preparing for a career in interactive media who shows academic achievement and financial need. |
International Student Scholarship | Promote diverse perspectives through scholarship support to worthy international JMU students with financial need. |
Hospitality Management Scholarship | This scholarship provides support to students enrolled in the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management. |
Integrated Science and Technology Scholarships | Support an exciting and evolving discipline that encourages problem solving and critical thinking for the 21st century |
The William King Charitable Trust Scholarship | Support students in the Ghana summer abroad program interested in studying Africa and Ghana in particular. |
Madison For Keeps | Offer emergency aid to help Dukes stay Dukes and offset tuition costs after financial loss, such as reduction of wages during a work shutdown. |
Music General Scholarship | Foster the creative and scholarly development of JMU musicians, educators, historians and industry professionals. |
Neckowitz Study Abroad Scholarship | Support a high achieving student who demonstrates financial need and is participating in a study abroad program. |
Performing Arts Center Seat Campaign | Name a seat in the Forbes Center to honor a loved one and to support scholarships for theater, dance and music students. Read More |
Presser Foundation Scholarship | Encourage prestige of performance and recognize excellence in outstanding music majors. |
Thomas E. and Sherry Woodroof Rogowski Scholarship | Join alumni in supporting a deserving undergraduate student pursuing a degree in psychology. |
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Economic Educator Annual Awards | Fund Economic teaching awards for outstanding educators in the Rockingham and Harrisonburg community. |
Semester in London Fund | Enable students to participate in Semester in London, which is almost 40, making it JMU's oldest Study Abroad program. |
Semester in Florence Fund | Send students to this jewel of world culture and immerse them in the arts, sciences, politics and humanities. |
Semester in Antwerp Fund | Support the international business perspective with an immersion experience in Antwerp in the heart of Europe. |
SMAD General Scholarships | Support a dynamic JMU major that teaches a fusion of media skills, technologies, and communication strategies |
Hattie M. Strong Foundation Scholarship | Support two students in their final year of undergraduate or graduate program leading to initial licensure in education. |
Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship | Support nursing students from southern states. |
Leslie George Memorial Fund | Create awareness and provide support for people struggling with eating disorders in honor of sophomore Leslie George. |
Roger Ruth Memorial | Show support for education in the field of audiology and provide opportunities for future audiology experts. |
Parent/Family and External programs | Help JMU provide support and outreach for JMU parents and families. |
Alumni Relations | Support dedicated alumni in remaining involved in the JMU community and serving as ambassadors for the university. |
Interfaith Chapel of JMU | Support a place on campus that provides a nondenominational, peaceful, and reverent area for people to pray or meditate |
Administrative Endowment | Help JMUs administration put students first by preparing them to become leaders and inspiring them to be the change. |
Beck Faculty Fellowship by Phillip and Christina Beck Updike | Awarded to a full-time faculty member in the School of Art Design and Art History who exhibits a vision of advancement for the visual arts at JMU and in the community. |
Martha T. Boaz Libraries & Educational Technologies Faculty Development | Support professional development for libraries and educational technologies to stay abreast of new knowledge and tools. |
Center for Service Learning | Help grow the endowment that prepares students to effect positive social change. |
College Student Personnel Administration | Contribute to a program that specializes in preparing, developing, and counseling students toward success in college. |
Political Science Professors Fund | Honor the dedication of retired Madison professors by supporting continued enhancement of teaching and research at JMU. Read More |
Farrell Endowment for Nursing Faculty | Provide faculty support for the Department of Nursing at James Madison University. |
Margaret Gordon Memorial Scholarship | Award an undergraduate student for outstanding accomplishments in biology research and honor Margaret Gordon. |
Huber Endowment for IHHS | Honor the extraordinary health and human services visionary who formed the JMU IIHHS and support its programs. Read More |
Library Endowment Fund | Support the behind-the-scenes, 24/7 work of the libraries, which results in student success and information literacy. |
J.W. and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Faculty Fellowship | This grant from the Marriott Foundation supports Hart School faculty fellowships. |
Tom McLaughlin Memorial Library Endowment | Support the library in the acquisition of library materials and collections, reference materials, technology, library facility improvements and student support. |
Morrison-Bruce Center Fund | Sponsor the center that advocates physical activity for girls and women and honor the powerful contribution of JMU women. Read More |
Trelawny Undergraduate Research Endowment | Give biology undergraduate researchers the real-world perspective scientists need in today's discovery marketplace. Read More |
Class of 1946 Endowed Scholarship | Reward a deserving, full-time JMU student who demonstrates financial need in honor of the class of 1946. |
Alumni Class of 1952 Endowed Scholarship | Support an incoming first-year who has strong credentials in academics, extracurriculars, and community service. |
Class of 1954 Scholarship | Help the class of 1954 celebrate their reunion and gift a deserving student. |
Class of 1955 Endowed Academic Scholarship | Help make someone's Madison Experience brighter by supporting a student with financial need in pursuing their dreams. |
Class of 1956 Scholarship | Award a deserving, full-time, undergraduate student in good academic standing. |
Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship | Support an incoming first-year who has strong credentials in academics, extracurriculars, and community service |
Class of 1960 Endowed Academic Scholarship | Support the Class of 1960 in providing financial aid and a more attainable Madison Experience to deserving students. |
Class of 1961 Scholarship | Award a deserving, full-time, undergraduate student in good academic standing. |
Class of 1988 Scholarship | Encourage high-achieving, engaged, and involved students to push their boundaries even further |
Class of 1943 Scholarship | Reward an incoming legacy student with strong academic, extracurricular, and community service qualifications. |
Victoria Alcantara Memorial Scholarship Fund | Honor model nursing major and well-rounded Madison student Victoria Alcantara by giving to this scholarship. Read More |
K Arthur Scholarship Endowment for International Study in Art History in Florence | Support students majoring or minoring in Art History who have been accepted into the JMU Semester in Florence program. |
Tom Arthur Scholarship Endowment for Theatre | Help students with limited means of support who are active in Madison's Theatre activities. |
Alexander B. Berry Jr./Linwood G. Parrish Memorial Endowed Scholarship | Reward a business student with academic potential, demonstrated leadership skills, and financial need |
Dr. Charles P. Bilbrey Endowed Scholarship | Scholarship to support students in CIS Major who demonstrate financial need and are in good standing with JMU. |
Biology Fund | Help provide research stipends that make summer an intense, scholarly experience in the lab for more students. Read More |
Michael Matthew Brown Memorial Scholarship | Established by Delta Sigma Pi, support an outstanding accounting student and honor Michael Matthew Brown |
Benedict Scholarship Fund | Honor Dr. Benedict by helping a senior-level psychology major who is pursuing a higher education psychology career. Read More |
Benedict * Scholarship Endowment in Psychology | This scholarship supports an outstanding senior-level psychology student interested in a career in higher education. |
Gilbert T. Bland/Burger King Hospitality Management Scholarship | Established by Gilbert Bland ('77) and Tymark Enterprises (Burger King), this scholarship is awarded to underrepresented students who enhance the diversity of the student body and are engaged in Education or Hospitality Management. |
Craig M. Blass Memorial Scholarship | Reward a high-achieving business student with the financial means to pursue new academic and career opportunities. |
Black Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Benefit deserving under-represented students entering the university as first-year students |
Bruce, Crawford, Morrison, Rummel Initiative | Help to open doors for women in the community through empowerment, support and education. |
Peggy Brooks Burruss Library Endowment | Help grow the endowment that helps JMU preserve and restore historic materials documenting Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. |
Classified Employees' Student Scholarship | Support a fund created by JMU's generous employees in this division |
Liberty Casali Scholarship | Honor a pioneer and grow a scholarship that will enable more undergraduates to become innovators in chemistry. Read More |
Robert J. Daly '82 Scholarship for Hospitality Management | This scholarship provides support to one or more students majoring in Hospitality Management. |
Gab Soon Choi Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Voice in the School of Music | Help alleviate the cost of the Madison Experience and fund the dreams of a talented and deserving vocal student |
Jonathan D. Davis ('81,'85) Scholarship Endowment | Support a graduate student who is committed to suicide awareness or prevention through training, research, or practice |
Jesse E. Daniels and Marriott Foundation Scholarship in Hospitality Management | This scholarship fund honors the memory of Jesse E. Daniels, a member of the Hospitality and Tourism Management Industry Advisory Council and Vice President of Human Resources at Marriott. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving JMU student majoring in Hospitality Management. |
Luis De Souza Pinto '02 Memorial Scholarship Endowment for the Men's Rugby Football Club | Support an international student with a desire to attend JMU and become involved in the Men's Rugby Football Club |
Agness S. Dingledine Memorial Scholarship | Honor a JMU icon by supporting high-achieving students who want to make a difference in the community and the world |
Charles W. King Endowed Scholarship Fund | Formally called the Administration and Finance Scholarship. This endowment provides need-based scholarships to children of employees. |
Doherty Geology Student Research Endowment | Support student research and honor the legacy of geology and environmental science major and researcher Allison Doherty. Read More |
Elizabeth and Melvin Eldridge Scholarship | Honor a legacy of support and encouragement by helping a rising CoB senior with leadership and citizenship capabilities. |
J. Barkley Rosser, Sr. Memorial Scholarship | Provide scholarship support to a junior-level Economics major who has demonstrated high academic potential and rigor. |
Integrated Science and Technology Endowment | Fund faculty development, travel expenses, educational support, and department grants in ISAT. |
Frank and Eva Farrell Endowed Scholarship in Nursing | Support scholarships for undergraduate nursing students. |
Finance and Business Law | Your support will help encourage our students to succeed both academically and professionally in the finance world |
Catherine King Frazier Memorial Scholarship | Support a promising new freshman geology major and honor a professor well known as an advocate for women in geology. |
Scholarships Endowment | Help fund the Madison Experience of high-potential students who the JMU Office of Financial Aid deems deserving. |
Bob Gordon Physics Scholarship | Support the Gordon Scholarship for top freshmen and help make physics the premier undergraduate program in the nation. Read More |
Robert Michael Harper Memorial Scholarship | Honor an involved JMU alum by funding a deserving and dedicated member of Alpha Chi Rho at JMU |
James J. Hart Memorial Scholarship | Reward an outstanding Junior-level Psychology major with a commitment to improving the human condition |
Gloria Jane Hollowell Henley Scholarship | Support scholarships for nursing students. |
Matthew D. Horning Memorial Scholarship | Honor a dedicated and beloved JMU student who perished in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center |
Carrie Kutner Student Ambassador Scholarship | Support a student who is not currently a student ambassador, but exhibits significant service and love for JMU. |
Donald L. Kohlenstein Hospitality Management Scholarship | Established by Thomas Jackson in memory of Donald L. Kohlenstein, this scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior or senior Hospitality Management major with a GPA of 2.75 or higher. |
The Ian Kincheleo Memorial Scholarship | Honor and remember a special person and distinguished student scholar of the Beta Beta Beta Biology Honors Society. |
Management Endowment | Support the learning of leadership skills and the systematic investigation of ways people can work well with others |
Madison Business Scholarship Endowment | Award outstanding undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need, moral character, and community involvement. |
Madison History Alumni Scholarship | Help history alumni make a difference and build connections in the lives of undergraduate history students at JMU |
Malcolm G. Lane Scholarship Endowment | Support an exceptional undergraduate junior or senior pursuing a degree in computer science. |
Metro-Washington Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship | Reward a Metro-Washington area student with high academic credentials and potential |
Robin McKay Memorial Scholarship | Reward a speech pathology student who has strong academic credentials and is a well-rounded member of the community. |
Eileen S. Nelson Endowment for Psychology Scholarships | Provide financial support for an outstanding psychology student. |
Daniel J. Nardi '79 '86 & Alyce Umberger Nardi '79 Scholarship Endowment for the College of Science & Mathematics | Support incoming students with high academic achievement and majoring within the College of Science and Mathematics. |
Don Musselman Scholarship Endowment for Computer Information Systems & Management Science | Established to provide needs-based scholarships in support of outstanding JMU CIS students. |
One Day One University Scholarship | For a rising senior in Digital Video and Cinema or Converged Media concentration. |
Parents Council Endowment for Scholarships | Help a deserving student that demonstrates financial need continue or start their college education |
Palocsay Scholarship | Support an outstanding undergraduate researcher in chemistry and honor the life's work of professor Frank Palocsay. Read More |
Philadelphia Area Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Support first year students from the Philadelphia area. |
JMU Leadership and Service Scholarship | Shape aspiring leaders who have given service to campus or the local community. |
Frances Hughes Pitts Memorial Scholarship | Award a deserving female student majoring in the natural sciences and honor Frances Hughes Pitts. |
Richard Roberds Scholarship Fund | Grow the endowment that honors this professor and support an undergraduate integrated science and technology scholar. Read More |
Residence Life Student Leaders Award Endowment | Encourage and support outstanding leadership among student leaders in residence halls |
Richmond Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Awarded to students from the Richmond area showing a need for financial assistance and the potential for academic achievement. |
Sanzenbacher Scholarship | Generously gifted by Dr. Reginald and Diane Foucar-Szocki, this scholarship provides annual financial support for Hospitality Management students. |
SMAD Alumni Professional Advisory Council Scholarship | Support SMAD students that show promise and commitment to their field. |
Cullen Sherwood Scholarship | Enable outstanding geology majors to study with engaged and expert Madison faculty mentors like Cullen Sherwood. Read More |
Glen Smith Memorial Scholarship | An endowed scholarship established in memory of history professor Glen Smith by his widow Eleanor Watts Graf, a JMU alumna, to provide academic scholarships to financially needy students. |
Glenn Smith Scholarship Endowment for CIS & BA | Support outstanding undergraduate students in the College of Business who are pursuing a major in Computer Information Systems and Management Science. |
Steven Snyder Memorial Award | Support the passion of JMU Theatre students who have demonstrated creative work and high achievement in theatre |
Dwight M. Sours Memorial Scholarship | Support the Adult Degree Program by sponsoring an excellent, hardworking student who is engaged in the community |
Communication Sciences and Disorders Scholarship | Support a CSD Double Duke through that first year of JMU Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology grad school. |
Endowment for Student Government Association Leadership | Award a student participating in the annual essay competition who is an outstanding student actively involved in SGA. |
Mary Waples Scholarship | Established in honor of Mary R. Waples, former head nurse, to award scholarships to nursing majors. |
Leann Whitlock Psychology Memorial Scholarship | Support a Junior Psychology major from an underrepresented group whose talents and abilities enrich the JMU community |
The Adam R. Wheatcroft Memorial Archery Endowment | Honor a two-time national archery champion by funding travel and training activities for JMU's archery team |
Witthoeft Family Scholarship | Honor the Witthoefft family and support a student who demonstrates financial need. |
Maurice Wolla Scholarship Fund | Support an integrated science and technology undergraduate while honoring the distinguished professor and teacher. Read More |
Sara C. Yakovac Memorial Scholarship Fund | Reward an Economics student who has demonstrated high academic achievement, leadership, and involvement at JMU. |
Center for Service Learning | Prepare students to become educated, enlightened citizens committed to affecting positive social change. |
Honors Hillcrest Scholarship Fund | Grow these scholarships so outstanding sophomore honors students can fund an off-campus summer enrichment experience. |
ISAT Student Projects Fund | Enable seniors to undertake capstone projects that bring to bear sciences and technologies to solve real-world problems. Read More |
Capital Markets Lab Fund | Give students market knowledge and a taste of Wall Street on campus with the industry's elite financial databases. |
JMU Summer Art Program | Fuel the creativity of young students as they work with art teachers to see, create, and understand artwork |
Professional Advisory Council for Faculty Support | Support SMAD faculty and help them launch students into the study of media, arts, design, and communication. |
Undergraduate Research Support Endowment | Support student capstone projects, conference attendance, independent research and other research endeavors. |
Engineering Student Projects Fund | Support hands-on student projects, the lifeblood of an engineering program that innovates solutions to human problems. Read More |
Occupational Therapy Clinical Education Services | Support students as they gain practical experience under the guidance of faculty and staff and serve local communities. |
Fraternity and Sorority Life Programs | Commit to providing programs and services that support and empower a nationally recognized community. |
Orientation Office | Support the Orientation Office in making JMU "home" for new first year and transfer students |
SAIC Initiative | Help students pursue activities within STEM relating to Information Analysis and Computer Sciences. |
Dr. William W. Thomas Memorial Scholarship | Support an upperclassman who demonstrates financial need and intends to enter seminary or divinity school. |
Noftsinger Scholarship | Help grow the endowment and honor the indomitable spirit of John Noftsinger, who promoted JMU's public sphere standing. |
Accounting Faculty Development Fund | Contribute to the research, teaching, and professional development of JMU's dedicated Accounting faculty |
Empowerment3 Fund | Help support the activities of Empowerment3, formerly called I Can Do It, You Can Do It. |
Music Library | Help contribute to JMU's vast wealth of resources housed in the Music Library |
University Park | Develop recreational facilities and provide the JMU community with outdoor recreational spaces to meet diverse needs. |
Liberal Arts Legacy Fund | Help retain the liberal arts professors who open doors and transform student lives with their teaching and mentoring. Read More |
JMU Lifelong Learning Institute | Provide affordable, intellectual, and social experiences designed to enrich the lives of adults in the community. |
IT Consulting Excellence Fund | Support the preparation of IT consultants who can navigate a complicated marketplace for their future clients. |
Sigma Kappa Sorority | Support the Sigma Kappa Sorority Delta Rho Chapter as they fund a scholarship endowment |
Charles Edwin Good Scholarship | Support an outstanding graduate of Harrisonburg High School who is and incoming, full-time freshman at JMU. |
Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship Endowment | Give to the endowment to provide the college with needed scholarships to support visual and performing arts students. |
Honors Study Abroad Fund | Help support deserving Honors College undergraduates who want to expand their Madison Experience by studying abroad. |
TDI Cyber Security Program Support Fund | Support the JMU Cyber Defense/Information Security program's travel, program upgrades, and experience for students |
Susan J. Reid Hospitality Management Scholarship | This scholarship provides financial support to rising juniors and seniors in the School of Hospitality, Sport, and Recreation Management. |
Chodrow Memorial Scholarship | Honor Don Chodrow by helping to keep junior and senior physics majors on track to successful careers in the discipline. Read More |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies Fund | Provide students and professors with the resources they need to become accomplished professionals in the health fields. |
College of Integrated Science and Engineering | Support the College of Integrated Science and Engineering programs that stress hands-on learning with uniquely talented faculty. |
Capital One Information Security Faculty Scholar for Computer Information Systems | Reward an engaged professor for their service to the university and dedication to students. |
Professorship for Free Enterprise in the Gilliam Center | Support faculty who teach Free Enterprise and Ethical Business Leadership in the College of Business. |
Tree Terrace Waterfall Projects | Honor Dr. Carrier and continue to add to the beauty of the arboretum. |
Harrisonburg Alumni Chapter Scholarship | Support a local rising freshman who demonstrates financial need and quality extracurricular experience or service. |
Annette Floyd May Scholarship for Choral Accompanist | Support students who are choral accompanists and honor the memory of a piano accompanist and choral performer. |
Madison Vision Fund | JMU supports the whole student. Help support the whole university. Read More |
Roddy Amenta Memorial Scholarship | Give undergraduate scholars the chance to study with dedicated environmental science professors like Roddy Amenta. Read More |
Michael L. Carrier Memorial Scholarship | Help a deserving student pursue their passion by funding their undergraduate experience in the College of Business |
Dux Center | Support the Dux Center in providing students with the tools they need to become more effective leaders. |
Frank and Mary Rita Murphy Scholarship | Award a deserving junior or senior level student studying social work who demonstrates financial need. |
Madison Investment Fund Excellence Endowment | Support the professional development of undergraduate students in the department of Finance in the College of Business. |
Undergraduate Chemistry Research Fund | Help chemistry majors conduct research and present their findings at national professional conferences. Read More |
Dr. Ralph and Libby O. Cohen Technological Humanism Graduate Program | Honor and recognize Libby Cohen's long-standing commitment to creative education. |
CHBS Faculty Excellence Fund | Support the faculty excellence it takes to develop classroom and hands-on education for tomorrow's healthcare providers. |
JMI Startup Fund | Help professors and students bring discoveries and inventions to market and power innovation at Madison. Read More |
Daniel K. Havey Memorial Fund | Honor a beloved JMU professor by contributing to the learning and research of chemistry and biochemistry students. |
Hinshaw-Warren Scholarship | Enable an outstanding Honors College freshman or sophomore to participate in transformational study abroad programs. |
Violin Studio | Encourage practice and help beautiful music flourish by providing for fully equipped violin studios. |
CoB Professional Development and Engagement Program Fund | This fund supports professional development and engagement activities that enhance the COB student experience. |
Whitten Maher Memorial Scholarship Fund | Honor the life of JMU alumnus Whitten Maher and provide scholarship funding for a student to pursue Writing and Graphic Design. |
John S. Hilliard Scholarship | Honor internationally celebrated composer and musician and celebrate awe-inspiring music. |
Rodney J. Fallon Scholarship | Support a student that demonstrates high moral character and interest in exciting, viable entrepreneurial opportunities. |
Transfer Student Scholarship | Support a student continuing higher education after earning an associates degree from Virginia Community College. |
Judith A. Flohr Scholarship | Assist a deserving student of the Exercise Science graduate student pursuing studies in women's health and fitness. |
International Affairs Program | Support the understanding of foreign cultures and societies, the dynamics of world politics, and other worldviews. |
Computer Science Student Projects Fund | Enable computer science students to undertake hands-on projects and present their findings at research conferences. Read More |
CISE Faculty Research Fund | Help integrated science and engineering professors take on real-world research that inspires students to do the same. Read More |
Carl Swanson Scholarship Fund | Support graduate psychology counseling students who have an interest in substance abuse counseling or crisis counseling. Read More |
Atlantic Union Bank Center Campaign | Support the campaign for the Atlantic Union Bank Center. The facility will showcase and build upon the economic vibrancy of the region. Read More |
Campfield Scholarship | Join Mr. and Mrs. Campfield in providing financial assistance for JMU students who attended A. R. Ware Elementary School or Thomas Dixon Elementary School in Staunton, VA. |
Erica and Alley Moore Scholarship | Reward a deserving student who demonstrates financial need in honors of Erica and Alley Moore. |
School of Strategic Leadership Studies | Promote the development of innovative and effective nonprofit leaders with the skills to tackle real-world problems. |
Ethical Reasoning in Action | Help transform JMU into a community recognized for producing citizens who apply ethical reasoning to confront challenges. |
McKenzie Scholarship Endowment for Trombone | Provide financial assistance to outstanding students in the trombone program. |
CoB Learning Complex | Support exceptional business education by realizing the new College of Business Learning Complex. Read More |
AKA Lambda Chi Forever Scholarship Fund | Support students who are active members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Lambda Chi Chapter or under-represented undergraduate students. |
Bierly Faculty Support Endowment in Management | Support faculty research in the Management program |
Lawrence Cain Memorial Fund | Support a deserving student studying Media Arts and Design and honor the memory of Lawrence Cain. |
Madison Endowment | The Madison Endowment strengthens the university and allows JMU to fulfill its mission more effectively. |
Williams* (Jack) Memorial Scholarship | Scholarship fund created to honor the memory of Jack Merkel Williams. |
Center for Professional Sales | Support the Center for Professional Sales in its mission to prepare students for successful careers in professional sales. |
George West Scholarship Endeavor - School of Music | Support a dedicated and talented member of the Jazz Ensemble and student in the School of Music. |
Brakke/Mason Endowment for Undergraduate Research in College of Science and Mathematics | Support students of the College of Science and Mathematics |
University Recreation Scholarship Endowment | Support scholarships for UREC student employees. |
Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management | This fund provides resources that can be used at the discretion of the Director of The Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management. |
JMU New Music for Young Musicians Composition Competition | Encourage outstanding young composers to create music for young ensembles and connecting them to JMU in a meaningful way. |
Adapted Sport | This fund financially supports sport opportunities for people with disabilities at the community and JMU level. |
Posey * Scholarship Endowment | Support a dedicated and talented member of JMUs beloved Marching Royal Dukes. |
JMU Washington Semester Program Fund | Donations will support need-based scholarships for students seeking financial aid to participate in JMU Washington Semester. |
Alison Bailey Parker ('12) Memorial Scholarship Endowment in Journalism | Honor the beautiful memory of Alison Bailey Parker ('12) by supporting this scholarship for juniors and seniors in the School of Media Arts and Design's journalism program. |
Veteran and Military Affairs Engagement | Support programs for veterans and military families' affairs including, but not limited to, research, teaching, and service activities. |
Edith J. Carrier Arboretum Endowment | Support the educational work of a wonder of nature in the heart of campus that has won numerous "best place" accolades. |
Semper Fi Scholarship | Named in honor of Dr. Gary Juhan's father and mother, this scholarship provides financial support to a Hart School student who has lost a parent prior to matriculating to or while enrolled at JMU. Ed Juhan served as a Marine Paratrooper in WWII and Edna Juhan served in the Cadet Nurse Corps as a Registered Nurse. The scholarship is also given in honor of Dr. Juhan's children Rachael and Cagle. |
Graduate Student Research and Innovation Fund | This fund will support innovative graduate student research and creative activity that is an essential component of the educational experience of graduate students. |
Graduate Student Professional Development Fund | Provides graduate students with support for engaged learning experiences that are necessary for the development of professional skills that are fundamental to individuals earning graduate degrees. |
Valley Scholars Scholarship Fund | Support Valley Scholars, a partnership between JMU and local schools that mentors smart, economically disadvantaged 8th-graders and eventually results in them earning full-tuition scholarships. Better jobs. Better lives. A better Shenandoah Valley. Read More |
Hart School Teaching Lab | This fund supports the operation of the Teaching Lab within the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport, and Recreation Management. |
Dietetics Program Fund | Provide support for the Dietetics Program. |
W. Dean Cocking Scholarship Endowment for Summer Ecological Research in Graduate Biology | Support an outstanding graduate student working with Biology faculty on ecological scientific research. |
Crotty Family Endowment for Excellence in Sport and Recreation Management | This scholarship honors Paige Elizabeth Crotty '19 and supports student scholarships, faculty professional development and program enhancement. |
Diane Babral Scholarship | Support senior nursing students pursuing Psychiatric Nursing. |
Dolley Madison - Dukes Pay It Forward Scholarship | The Dolley Madison-Dukes Pay It Forward Scholarship Fund was established in 2017 by a group of JMU Alumni as part of the Women for Madison initiative. The fund is an endowed scholarship and will support the vast need for scholarship funding at JMU. “Dukes Pay It Forward” is an important designation as any candidate who receives a scholarship award from this fund is encouraged to invest in a scholarship for a future Duke. |
Department of Health Professions | Help support the Health Professions department. |
Sysco Culinary Arts Program Support Fund | This fund provides annual support for the operations of the Culinary Arts Program including, but not limited to, student culinary experiences, student travel and conferences, scholarships in experiential learning opportunities and program support. |
Linden Tree Trust Dukes Pay It Forward | Support students in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need. |
Centennial Scholarship Endowment | Provide financial assistance and academic support to aid underrepresented students to pursue higher education. |
James Madison Center for Civic Engagement | Support efforts to create a more just, equitable and inclusive democracy. |
Stephen G. ('80) and Nora N. ('82) Crouch Scholarship Endowment in the College of Business | Support scholarships for underrepresented students in the College of Business. |
Todd Perry ('92) Aspiring Analytics Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Computer Information Systems | Provide assistance to a student enrolled in the College of Business minoring in analytics. |
Proud and True Fund | JMU student-athletes are students and champions. Read More |
Little-McIntyre Endowed Vocal Scholarship in the College of Visual and Performing Arts | Support scholarships for voice and piano students. |
Frances Jobson Francis ('51) Fund for Special Collections at JMU Libraries | Support the advancement of the Libraries' Special Collections. |
Wilson-Elliott Education Scholarship in the College of Education | Provide financial resources for students of VA and OH. |
Magnus H. Johnsson ('94) Scholarship Endowment in Political Science | Support deserving students majoring in Political Science. |
Colonel Sandra S. Whitt ('62), US Army, Retired Scholarship Endowment | Provide scholarships for in-state students. |
Arts and Letters Opportunity Fund | Provide scholarships for academically qualified, under-represented students, first-generation students, and students of modest means. |
Nielsen Builders, Inc. Scholarship Fund in the Department of Engineering | Provide financial resources for Engineering students. |
Ms. Patty Football Scholarship Endowment | Provide scholarship support for football student athletes. |
Advancing Intelligent Minds | Support exemplary graduate students from groups that are underrepresented in the academic field in which the students study. |
Stanley R. (’54) and Rosemary H. Jones STEM Scholarship Fund | Support incoming honors students pursuing degrees in STEM. |
Thomas Family Community Service Leadership Scholarship Endowment | Support upperclassman with an interest in community service. |
Jones Family Athletic Scholarship Endowment | Support JMU's student athletes. |
Mark-It Forward Scholarship | Support the academic and career goals of deserving students pursuing a degree in Marketing |
CISE Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment | Support College of Integrated Science and Engineering students engaging in sustainability programs abroad. |
Madison Hospitality Scholarship | Benjamin R. Farmery ('92) established this scholarship to provide financial resources annually for a junior or senior enrolled in the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management. |
Center for Inclusive Music Engagement | Support the Center for Inclusive Music Engagement within the College of Visual and Performing Arts at JMU. |
Rusty ('83) and Teresa ('84) Hammond Academic Scholarship Fund | Support upperclassman pursuing business or STEM fields. |
Occupational Therapy Program | Support a well-rounded educational experience for students in the Occupational Therapy Program |
Ophelia Parker Carraway Scholarship Endowment in the College of Health and Behavioral Studies | Provide financial support for CHBS students volunteering in community family programs. |
Global Supply Chain Management | Support educational engagement activities for the interdisciplinary GSCM minor program. |
Women For Madison | Join the many women of James Madison University in supporting student scholarships. |
Walter W. Jackson, II Memorial Scholarship Endowment | Honor the memory of Walter W. Jackson, II by providing financial support for two annual scholarships for active members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Xi Delta Chapter and under-represented undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. |
Dukes Pay it Forward Annual Scholarship | Support essential scholarships, opening our doors to deserving students. |
JMU Rebound Program | Support a community culture that shares setbacks and failures and uses them as opportunities to grow stronger and wiser. |
Robert J. (Bobby) Morrissey ('80) Memorial Pay It Forward Scholarship | This scholarship honors the memory of Stephen G. ('80) and Nora N. ('82) Crouch's college roommate and dear friend, Robert "Bobby" Morrissey ('80), his love for the University and culinary arts as a classically trained French chef. This scholarship fund provides financial support to a Hart School student serving as a teaching assistant in the culinary labs course. |
Management Scholarship Fund | Provide scholarships for students majoring in Management. |
Barnhart Memorial Scholarship | Generously gifted by Diana Barnhart Uppert in honor of her parents, this scholarship provides resources annually to Virginia students enrolled in the Hart School. |
Finance Pay It Forward Scholarship Endowment | Provide scholarships for students majoring in Finance. |
J. Mark Dressel ('86) Scholarship in the Hart School Hospitality Management Program | This estate gift will provide scholarship support to students enrolled in the Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management once realized. |
Charles C. ('72, '85) and Diane W. ('72) Wymer Scholarship | The Charles C. ('72, '85) and Diane W. ('72) Wymer Scholarship Fund for Valley Scholars was established to support the University initiative designed to remove the financial barriers that might otherwise prevent promising students in the Shenandoah Valley with high financial need from attending college. |
Tom Martin Scholarship Endowment | Named in honor of Dr. Tom Martin, JMU Men’s Soccer Head Coach from 1986 to 2014 and a lecturer in the Hart School, this scholarship provides annual financial resources to a student(s) in good academic standing and majoring in Sport and Recreation Management. |
Pre-Law Program Fund | Support the Pre-Law Program in the College of Arts and Letters. |
School of Nursing Scholarship Fund | Provide scholarships to students in the School of Nursing. |
Bluestone Yearbook Fund | Provide support for the general operations of The Bluestone Yearbook. |
Dean's Innovation Development Fund | The Dean's Innovation Development Fund in CHBS was established to receive charitable contributions to support student and faculty engagement in distinctive opportunities for professional development, experiential learning and research. Read More |
Faculty Emeriti Graduate Nursing Scholarship Endowment | The Faculty Emeriti Graduate Nursing Scholarship Endowment provides financial support to prospective students' filling the voids in primary care, leadership roles to improve quality and safety of care, healthcare administration, and nursing faculty. |
Marrin and Pippert Scholarship Endowment for Study Abroad & Experiential Learning | Created by Hart School professors Neil Marrin and Tassie Pippert (’11, ’13 M.Ed.), this scholarship supports study abroad and experiential learning opportunities for JMU Hart School students. |
CISE - Blockchain Fund | Support the understanding of Blockchain technology through conferences, hackathons, research and development, and professional guest speakers. |
Teddy Kincaid Scholarship in Computer Science | Scholarship in honor of Teddy Kincaid to support JMU computer science students. |
School of Professional and Continuing Education | SPCE collaborates with individuals, businesses, and communities through transformative educational programs and economic engagement. |
JMU Youth Programs | Provide educational opportunities to K-12 students that inspire curiosity, growth, and success while expanding access. |
JMU Adult Degree Program | The Adult Degree Program/Bachelor of Individualized Study delivers a flexible, dynamic, and rigorous degree completion curriculum to meet the individual education and career goals of our students. ADP/BIS’s non-residential program offers a framework for students with significant transfer credit and/or prior learning experience to design their own academic plan. |
Men's Club Volleyball | Provide funding and opportunities to student-run, mens volleyball team. |
Political Science Equity Fund | Support the Political Science Equity Fund to increase diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and access. |
EY Excellence in Accounting Scholarship | Support College of Business students pursuing a degree in the School of Accounting. |
Bluestone Scholarship in the School of Communication Studies | The Bluestone Scholarship is an annual merit based scholarship to support students' pursing a degree in Communication Studies. |
Charles Steven Smith ('71,'75M) Legacy Scholarship Endowment | The Charles Steven Smith ('71, '75M) Legacy Scholarship Endowment will support an annual scholarship to a deserving student who has a direct alumni legacy relationship and demonstrates financial need as defined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. |
The Pantry | Support the general operations of The Pantry, a student basic needs support program of Off-Campus Life. |
William C. Kyle Arboretum Fund | A memorial fund established to receive charitable contributions in memory of William C. Kyle. Funds will be used to support a space for connection and conversation in the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum. |
Jane Kruger D’Arcy (’55, ’67) Scholarship | Honor the many contributions of Jane Kruger D’Arcy by supporting this scholarship for undergraduates pursuing a career in education. |
Paralympic Skill Lab Fund | A general expendable fund established to receive charitable contributions to support the Paralympic Skill Lab (PSL). PSL combines Paralympic ideals and values with educational activities to promote engagement and education related to adapted sport, inclusion, and sociocultural norms. |
Peggy Smith Professional Development Fund | The Peggy Smith Professional Development fund will be used to defray costs related to College Arts and Letters staff professional development, such as taking certification courses, traveling to conferences and more. This fund is inspired by Smith’s generosity, her endless intellectual curiosity and her passion to learn more and to be better. |
JMU Musical Theatre Program Support Fund | Support the creative and scholarly development of student and faculty performers, designers, historians and educators. |
Casey Carter Legacy Scholarship Endowment Endeavor | In honor of former JMU Athletics Associate Director, Casey Carter, support the Casey Carter Legacy Scholarship to provide scholarship funds for undergraduate student athletes. |