Investing in our future…

Year after year, The College of Business adds awards, accolades and some of the brightest students to its halls. Our business graduates are better prepared to tackle the demands of today’s volatile marketplace.

The winning combination of world-class faculty, industry partners and involved alumni produces engaged and ethical business graduates equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, functional knowledge and leadership skills. Your gift helps ensure students experience the comprehensive, experiential and innovative education that has made JMU a respected name among employers. When you give, you support a faculty committed to creating a learning environment focused on integrating theory and practice; developing ethical reasoning skills; and teaching students how to navigate today's complex, global business environment. Your gift helps students participate in business plan competitions, study abroad, complete internships and engage in service-learning and leadership experiences--all activities that prepare student for future success. This proven strategy makes JMU graduates among the most hotly recruited and most productive new hires in the country. You can help JMU continue to produce graduates who are grounded in the liberal arts and who are business ready. 

Your gift makes it possible.

Fund Description
Accounting Excellence Fund Provide the resources to enhance JMU's excellence in preparing accounting graduates for successful careers.
CoB Faculty Excellence Fund Support professional development to help world-class Madison professors stay on the cutting-edge of their professions.
Center for Economic Education Promote economic literacy throughout the Shenandoah Valley and support outreach in the community
Deloitte Fellowship Support and encourage faculty to further their educational and professional goals and aspirations.
Economics Lectureships and Student Research Fellowships Support students involved in lectureships and student research fellowships in economics.
The Economics Department Fund Help students as they connect the issues of economics and social sciences, problem solve and make responsible decisions.
Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship Fund Support students of all majors as they embark on their entrepreneurial path, taking their vision from idea to execution.
Executive Advisory Board Support Fund for Excellence in Economics Support initiatives within the Department of Economics.
Finance and Business Law Fund Promote the skillset of the future as students investigate innovation and problem-solving in finance and business law.
Hantzmon, Wiebel and Company Faculty Fellowship Award a notable faculty member and help them further their professional and educational goals.
Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics Support a program dedicated to helping students jump start their careers in the challenging and rewarding IT marketplace
International Business Program Change perspectives and equip students to work comfortably in more than one corner of the global marketplace.
Johnson Lambert and Company Beta Alpha Psi Faculty Fellowship Help faculty establish education to prepare students for a future in their industry.
KPMG Accounting Professorship Contribute to the future of professional and prepared students by supporting an accounting professor.
The Management Department Fund Sponsor the investigation of how people can work well with others and also manage a successful and ethical business.
Marketing Department Fund Support the vibrant instruction and innovative curricula that help students develop specialized skills in marketing.
Master of Business Administration Program Help students become accomplished in today's complex and dynamic business environment through two MBA programs.
PBMares Fellowship Help faculty in the College of Business further and perform their educational and professional duties.
Robinson, Farmer, Cox Educational Foundation's Faculty Fellowship Support Accounting faculty working to advance programs to create strong educated and professional business students.
College of Business Fund Help the College of Business prepare engaged, entrepreneurial, ethical graduates who advance quickly in their careers.
Madison Investment Fund - Operations Support the development of a cutting-edge program in the Department of Finance and Business Law
VERIS Consulting Faculty Fellowship Partner with VERIS Consulting and Beta Alpha Psi to support a faculty member.
Accounting Scholarship Support the academic and career goals of deserving students pursuing a degree in Accounting.
CoB Scholarships Help attract top business students to JMU and in turn help produce the kind of proficient graduates business demands.
Computer Information Systems Scholarship Support the past and future achievements of a CIS student with high potential
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Economic Educator Annual Awards Fund Economic teaching awards for outstanding educators in the Rockingham and Harrisonburg community.
Alexander B. Berry Jr./Linwood G. Parrish Memorial Endowed Scholarship Reward a business student with academic potential, demonstrated leadership skills, and financial need
Michael Matthew Brown Memorial Scholarship Established by Delta Sigma Pi, support an outstanding accounting student and honor Michael Matthew Brown
Craig M. Blass Memorial Scholarship Reward a high-achieving business student with the financial means to pursue new academic and career opportunities.
Elizabeth and Melvin Eldridge Scholarship Honor a legacy of support and encouragement by helping a rising CoB senior with leadership and citizenship capabilities.
J. Barkley Rosser, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Provide scholarship support to a junior-level Economics major who has demonstrated high academic potential and rigor.
Finance and Business Law Your support will help encourage our students to succeed both academically and professionally in the finance world
Management Endowment Support the learning of leadership skills and the systematic investigation of ways people can work well with others
Madison Business Scholarship Endowment Award outstanding undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need, moral character, and community involvement.
Sara C. Yakovac Memorial Scholarship Fund Reward an Economics student who has demonstrated high academic achievement, leadership, and involvement at JMU.
Capital Markets Lab Fund Give students market knowledge and a taste of Wall Street on campus with the industry's elite financial databases.
Accounting Faculty Development Fund Contribute to the research, teaching, and professional development of JMU's dedicated Accounting faculty
IT Consulting Excellence Fund Support the preparation of IT consultants who can navigate a complicated marketplace for their future clients.
Capital One Information Security Faculty Scholar for Computer Information Systems Reward an engaged professor for their service to the university and dedication to students.
Professorship for Free Enterprise in the Gilliam Center Support faculty who teach Free Enterprise and Ethical Business Leadership in the College of Business.
Michael L. Carrier Memorial Scholarship Help a deserving student pursue their passion by funding their undergraduate experience in the College of Business
Madison Investment Fund Excellence Endowment Support the professional development of undergraduate students in the department of Finance in the College of Business.
JMI Startup Fund Help professors and students bring discoveries and inventions to market and power innovation at Madison. Read More
CoB Professional Development and Engagement Program Fund This fund supports professional development and engagement activities that enhance the COB student experience.
Rodney J. Fallon Scholarship Support a student that demonstrates high moral character and interest in exciting, viable entrepreneurial opportunities.
School of Strategic Leadership Studies Promote the development of innovative and effective nonprofit leaders with the skills to tackle real-world problems.
CoB Learning Complex Support exceptional business education by realizing the new College of Business Learning Complex. Read More
Bierly Faculty Support Endowment in Management Support faculty research in the Management program
Center for Professional Sales Support the Center for Professional Sales in its mission to prepare students for successful careers in professional sales.
Stephen G. ('80) and Nora N. ('82) Crouch Scholarship Endowment in the College of Business Support scholarships for underrepresented students in the College of Business.
Todd Perry ('92) Aspiring Analytics Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Computer Information Systems Provide assistance to a student enrolled in the College of Business minoring in analytics.
Mark-It Forward Scholarship Support the academic and career goals of deserving students pursuing a degree in Marketing
Calibre CPA Group Faculty Fellowship Provide contributions to Calibre CPA Group for a faculty fellowship.
Rusty ('83) and Teresa ('84) Hammond Academic Scholarship Fund Support upperclassman pursuing business or STEM fields.
Global Supply Chain Management Support educational engagement activities for the interdisciplinary GSCM minor program.
Management Scholarship Fund Provide scholarships for students majoring in Management.
Finance Pay It Forward Scholarship Endowment Provide scholarships for students majoring in Finance.
Tom Martin Scholarship Endowment Named in honor of Dr. Tom Martin, JMU Men’s Soccer Head Coach from 1986 to 2014 and a lecturer in the Hart School, this scholarship provides annual financial resources to a student(s) in good academic standing and majoring in Sport and Recreation Management.
EY Excellence in Accounting Scholarship Support College of Business students pursuing a degree in the School of Accounting.

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