JMU needs your support to ensure current and future students can achieve meaningful success. We're a community where you can find purpose and connection for a lifetime.
Our mission: Prepare citizens who lead productive and meaningful lives.
Finding meaning
JMU is the #1 most recommended public school in the U.S. by students to their friends and family. Data from a 2021 Gallup-Purdue report for alumni satisfaction shows that 97% of JMU alumni are pleased with their time at the university.
Getting return on experience
JMU graduates get to work fast: 95.9% of JMU's 2021 graduates were employed, in grad school or engaged in other other career-related endeavors within six months of graduation. Source
You are part of our culture
Today, your gift will make a more purposeful difference than ever before. Donors like you are investing in JMU at an unprecedented level.
Donors gave more than $27.5 million in charitable gifts to JMU during fiscal year 2023, the first full year after the conclusion of Unleashed: The Campaign for James Madison University. Total giving includes gifts of all sizes from individuals and organizations and benefits all areas of the university.
The most immediate impact you can make is by giving to the Madison Vision Fund. This fund creates flexible dollars to provide a foundation for JMU to seize emerging opportunities and address urgent needs for our students and campus community.
Your gift — of any size — will forever improve the Madison Experience. Join us in giving the gift of JMU to deserving Dukes.