Our evaluations are tailored to your child’s specific needs and may include one or more of the following components:


  • Cognitive evaluation – assesses the child’s ability to think and understand as well as process and remember information.
  • Assesses the child’s emotional, social, and mental health status.
  • Interviews the parent/guardian regarding the child’s emotional and behavioral functioning and develops appropriate recommendations.


  • Academic/achievement testing – assesses the child’s achievement skills to date to determine if there are any gaps in learning when compared to same age peers. 
  • Works with the parent/guardian and school personnel to gather information as to how the child is doing in school and develops appropriate learning/school recommendations.

Social Work

  • Interviews the parent/guardian regarding how the child is doing at home, family life, parent background, and stressors in the family life that may be impacting the child and develops appropriate recommendations for the family.
  • Observes a parent-child interaction in which the parent/guardian and the child are given specific activities to do together.  Observation of this interaction is another way to gather information as to how the child is doing at home.


  • Interviews the parent/guardian to obtain a comprehensive health, medical, and developmental history of the child and develops appropriate health recommendations.
  • Performs a physical exam of the child (no lab work), including a possible screening of the child’s vision and hearing.
  • Performs a neurodevelopmental exam, which evaluates the functioning of the nervous system including fine and gross motor skills.

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