All of our programs are designed to support children/youth to successfully engage in the activities that they are involved in everyday such as spending time with friends and family, doing schoolwork, playing, and learning how to be more independent.

Some programs are created specifically for the children using an approach that considers the whole child by integrating activities that promote social skills, sensory exploration, motor skills/coordination, emotional/self-regulation, and overall well-being while considering the ages and specific needs of each participant.

Other programs are developed to support those who care for and work with children including parents, grandparents, daycare providers and educators. Each program is tailored to meet specific needs identified by the group and are based on a variety of topics related to child/youth development and participation.

We are always looking for ways to offer programs and incorporate innovative ideas to meet the needs of families and organizations within our community. Please visit our website, email, or give us a call to explore and share ideas for programs of interest

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