Board of Visitors Meeting, January 11, 2008, Summary
NewsBoard of Visitors Meeting, January 11, 2008
Summary of Actions/Discussions
The James Madison University Board of Visitors met Friday, January 11, 2008, in the Board Room of Madison’s Festival Conference and Student Center.
Following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting:
- Approved September 28, 2007 BOV meeting minutes;
- Heard and approved committee reports from Athletics, Audit, Development, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development;
- Heard a presentation on “Institutional Performance Standards,” presented by Dr. Mark Warner
- Heard a presentation on the Governor’s 2008-2009 budget, presented by Mr. Charles King;
- Heard a presentation on the expansion of Bridgeforth Stadium (click here for project information)
- Approved budget amendments;
- Approved summer tuitions and fees;
- Approved banking resolution;
- Approved two Honorary Doctorates;
- Approved the purchase of the Port Republic/Neff Ave. property;
- Heard a Centennial update from Mr. Fred Hilton.
Was told by President Linwood H. Rose:
- that JMU ranked 22nd in the country for “Best Value” by Kiplinger's;
- that JMU is among national leaders in students studying abroad;
- that JMU’s Young Children’s Program received national accreditation;
- that the emergency response communication systems were tested.